By Paul Stoffregen,, 1991-1997
PAULMON2 is in the public domain. PAULMON2 is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.
- Download PAULMON2.
- Build or buy your 8051 based hardware.
- Select or configure a copy of PAULMON2 for your hardware.
- Program the EPROM with PAULMON2.
- Run your terminal emulation program.
- Turn on your 8051 board and press Enter (for
auto baud detection)
- Write an 8051 program, or copy one of the
- Download the Intel-Hex file (
'D' command)
- Jump to your program (
'J' command)
- Introduction
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Getting Started
- Standard Commands
- Extras Package Commands
- Using Built-In Functions
- Example Programs
- Tutorial
- Reclaiming the Serial Port
- Program Headers
- Single-Step Run
- Using Flash ROM
- Intel-Hex Format
- Adding Commands to Paulmon2
- Customizing PAULMON2
- Common Problems
This red dot indicates an unfinished work.
PAULMON2 Documentation, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: The PAULMON2 Docs are nearly done
Suggestions, comments, bug reports???