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Introductions to PAULMON2

PAULMON2 is a user-friendly monitor program, intended for use in a single board computer based on an 8051 compatible microcontroller.

By placing PAULMON2 in the board's EPROM, the board will "boot-up" to a menu-driven monitor, which you can control using a standard terminal emulation program. PAULMON2 allows you to download your programs to RAM and run them, which is much faster and easier than reprogramming the EPROM. PAULMON also provides several features to help you debug your programs.

PAULMON2 also provides many useful built-in functions which you may call from your programs. Several of these are quite useful for debugging your code.

Because PAULMON2 is in the public domain, when your 8051 program is nearly finished, any portions of PAULMON2 which your program uses may be copied directly into your code to make it into a stand-alone application.

PAULMON2 also contains features which can utilize Flash ROM. Boards equipped with Flash ROM can be made "dedicated" by downloading a slightly modified copy of the application program, and PAULMON2 will run it when the board is reset instead of starting with the usual welcome screen and prompt. If the code must later be upgraded, a jumper may be inserted to tell PAULMON2 to erase the Flash ROM chip and return to development mode, so that new code may be downloaded.

PAULMON2 Documentation, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: This page is finsihed
Suggestions, comments, bug reports??? <paul@pjrc.com>