- MP3 Player With IDE Hard Drive
Forget about tiny flash memory, a full-sized hard drive
is the only way to go! Here's my the new MP3 player
board that reads standard FAT32 formatted hard drives,
is designed to support a large DRAM buffer and to run
from batteries, and is flash firmware upgradable.
- 8051 Microcontroller Goodies (free stuff)
The 8051 microcontroller family offers a very
flexible and easy-to-use architecture which is still
very popular, despite newer, much more "powerful"
processors. Here are some of my tools, projects and
bits of 8051 code which you may find useful.
- The MIDI Drum Machine
The MIDI Drum Machine, designed and constructed in the
Fall of 1991, was my first major 8051 based project. With some
help from a musician, it turned out to be a very
successful project, as you'll be able to see.
- CCD Array Reader
A circuit which interfaces a linear 128 pixel optical
CCD Array detector to the parallel port of a computer.
It features high-speed operation, automatic level
corrections and gain control, and generally it works
quite well.
- Making Printed Circuit Boards
I etch printed circuit boards, using low-cost
chemicals and equipment. Here's a guided tour of
the process.
- Audio Amplifier Design for the OSU IEEE CBW
The amplifier design used by OSU's IEEE student
chapter for the circuit board workshop.
- Fourth Order Low-Pass Filter IC
This full-custom VLSI IC was my first VLSI design. 6071
transistors are packed into a 2.2mm die fabricated in
a 2 micron CMOS process. After resolving a communication
problem with mosis, the final silicon actually worked!
- OSU-8 Instructional Microprocessor
A complete microprocessor, designed from the ground
up, from instruction and register specification, to
simulator/assembler, datapath and control. Xilinx
implementation, that ran some code.
- Xilinx Programming
A simple downloader for the xilinx 4000 series
which costs quite a lot less than the xilinx xchecker
product... the design is freely distributed.
- USA Map for Elementary school
A simple project to make teaching the names of our
50 states to elementary school kids more fun.
- IC Pinout Index
An experimental project to try storing an index of
integrated circuit pinouts in a web accessible form.
Not very useful (yet, if ever), but some nifty cgi code.