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Getting Started With PAULMON2

After you have built the required hardware (including programming PAULMON2 into the EPROM memory), and installed the terminal emulation program, you're ready to begin.
  1. Connect the 8051 hardware (power off) to the PC's serial port
  2. Start the terminal emulation program
  3. Verify the program's settings (port, baud, 8-N-1, no flow control)
  4. Apply power to the 8051 hardware
  5. Press Enter (so PAULMON2 can determine the baud rate)

If automatic baud rate detection is configured (the default), PAULMON2 will wait for you to press Enter (Return) after power is applied to your 8051 board. It uses this incoming character to determine your baud rate. The result is stored in memory so that the baud rate detection won't need to be repeated unless the memory is erased or overwritten. Once it knows the proper baud rate, PAULMON2 will respond with a message:

               Welcome to PAULMON2 (beta4), by Paul Stoffregen

  See PAULMON2.DOC, PAULMON2.EQU and PAULMON2.HDR for more information.
If your copy of PAULMON2 has any of the plug-in commands installed, they will be listed below this initial message, which is followed by the PAULMON2 prompt:
PAULMON2 (beta4) Loc:2000 >
The "2000" indicates the value of PAULMON2's memory pointer, which is used by the various commands which allow you to manipulate the board's memory. Pressing '?' will display a brief help message, which lists all of the available commands.

It's a good idea to test the RAM memory using the fancy memory editor or the simple editor if a 4k version of PAULMON2 was selected. Once the RAM is writable, try one of the example programs, and then you're ready to try writing some of your own code!

PAULMON2 Documentation, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: The PAULMON2 Docs need a lot of work...
Suggestions, comments, bug reports??? <paul@pjrc.com>