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Example Programs For PAULMON2

Example #1: Simple Banner

This program prompts the user to enter a short string and then prints the string in large block letters. When PAULMON2 receives the program via the Download command, the terminal emulation windows should display the following message:
PAULMON2 (beta7) Loc:2000 > Download

Begin ascii transfer of Intel hex file, or ESC to abort

Download completed

 33  lines received
 505  bytes received
 505  bytes written
No errors detected
Be sure to download the correct version. Three ready-to-use object files are provided, for memory at 2000, 4000, or 8000. If you download the wrong one for your hardware, there will probably be a message about "unable to write".

When the program is run, it should produce this result:

Please type a word (9 char max): PAULMON

######      #     ##   ##  ##       ##   ##   #####   ##   ##  
#######    ###    ##   ##  ##       ### ###  #######  ###  ##  
##   ##    ###    ##   ##  ##       #######  ##   ##  ###  ##  
##   ##   ## ##   ##   ##  ##       ## # ##  ##   ##  #### ##  
#######   ## ##   ##   ##  ##       ## # ##  ##   ##  ## # ##  
######    #####   ##   ##  ##       ##   ##  ##   ##  ## ####  
##       #######  ##   ##  ##       ##   ##  ##   ##  ##  ###  
##       ##   ##  #######  #######  ##   ##  #######  ##   ##  
##       ##   ##   #####   #######  ##   ##   #####   ##   ##  

Press any key
Of course, you may type any string you like.

Here are the files for Example #1:
ex1.asm Assembly language source (use as31)
ex1_2.obj Ready to use intel-hex, RAM at 2000 hex
ex1_4.obj Ready to use intel-hex, RAM at 4000 hex
ex1_8.obj Ready to use intel-hex, RAM at 8000 hex
ex1.zip ZIP file with all four of these

PAULMON2 Documentation, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: more examples ???
Suggestions, comments, bug reports??? <paul@pjrc.com>