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Here are pictures of a sculpture that I made to enclose the mp3 player in.

I used a laptop hard drive, 32 meg simm, and 1.5 amp 12 volt radio shack power supply. I also used the lcd and external buttons on this one.

It has a wire armature covered in aluminum screen and the whole thing is covered in winterstone which is similar to white cement. The whole thing weighs about 15 pounds and hangs off a wall. The pictures show it in various states of construction to the gallery in which it is hanging in NYC.

I made this sculpture as one of my thesis projects for my masters thesis in computer art. It contains 30 of my sound compositions. I couldn't have created this with a commercially available mp3 player.

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MP3 Player, User Photo Gallery, Paul Stoffregen.
Individual photos are copyrighted by their respective authors
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Questions, Comments?? <paul@pjrc.com>