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Side Projects Related to the MP3 Player

This page attempts to provide information about many "side projects" related to the MP3 player project. Most of these are undertaken by individuals independent of PJRC. We hope this page helps you to find their project and perhaps build it yourself, or contribute or colloraberate on improving it.

In most cases, we have tried to provide links to websites, or pages hosted here at PJRC when no website is available. Also, when it is ok with the author, we provide you with email contact info.

This is a very new page and a lot of information is still missing.

If you are working on a side project not listed here, or know of one, please contact paul@pjrc.com to have it listed. You do not need to have a website, but we appreciate when you can provide an email address for people who are interested in your project to contact you.

USB Interface

Cheuk Poon's USB Interface provides a way to connect a USB hard drive adaptor board. Only one of the boards accesses the hard drive at one time, so when you plug it into your PC, the PC "sees" only the hard drive, so you can easily copy files onto it. Then, when you unplug from the computer it acts as the mp3 player again.

You can contact Cheuk at: anti-spam email in image


Cases and Nice Enclosures

Several people have talked about making some nice cases in small production and offering them for sale to others.

Please contact me if you are doing this. This will likely become its own web page with lots of photos.


Car Stereo CD Changer Emulation

VW / Panasonic: Ed Schlunder has developed an interface to the VW based decks

You can contact Ed at: anti-spam email in image

BMW (I-Bus): Franck Touanen has developped a special that allows the mp3 player to integrate with the BMW I-Bus. The objective was not only to be able to control the player, but also to send PJRC player + MP3 infos to the BMW integrated display without using any external LCD screen. For more information, visit the Hack The I-Bus Yahoo Group (may require free yahoo login). Also, generic information about I-Bus is available at OpenBMW.org.

You can contact Franck at: anti-spam email in image


CDROM, Flash, or other Media

CDROM: Marco Bakker did quite a lot of coding some time ago, to add ATAPI protocol support to the firmware. His code can access a CDROM, but it requires quite a bit of work to be able to integrate into the device drivers in the main firmware. TODO: link to the firmware the Marco wrote...

Derek Joos and other students also made an attempt at ATAPI/CDROM support, and their work is archived it the photo gallery section.

Compact Flash: It is believed that compact flash might work with an IDE adaptor, such as PC Engines CFDISK.2D. However, FAT32 formatting is needed by the firmware, and virtually all CF cards are formatted with FAT16. TODO: rough ideas for formatting small cards as FAT32. The 0.6.x firmware requires IDE "multiple-mode" transfers of 8 sectors, which are supported by all modern hard drives, but might not be possible in compact flash that lacks buffering. Also, hot-swap does not work with CF's True-IDE mode.


Palm / PocketPC Interface

PocketPC: Matthew Williams (a.k.a. Ophbalance) is working on a nice PocketPC interface application, which has a new site with updated info.

You can contact Matt at: anti-spam email in image

Palm Pilot:Dean Woodyatt connected the player to a Palm, and used a Palm-based terminal emulator to view the serial port messages.


Infrared Remote Control

From:  "Tom Parker" 
Date:  Thu Apr 10, 2003  2:39 am
Subject:  89C2051 based IR remote control updated

I've updated my remote control project to output \n after each command
for the new parser. As Paul mentioned previously the parser input
format has been changed.

You can find all the details at

Currently it supports only the Packard Bell IR Remote control ($US12
from http://sun818.home.mindspring.com/html/order.htm).

Todd Elliot's original IR controller


LCD Emulators

These are PC software applications that communicate with the mp3 player and emulate the 24x8 LCD on-screen.

b_ko_69 at yahoo dot com

mwilliams at extol dot com

Keith ??? http://www.unf.edu/~kschin colonwq at yahoo dot com


LCD Backlight and other Eye Candy

Dean Woodyatt's original backlight

Techknowman's Backlight, now also sold ready to use by PJRC.

TODO: info and links about Techknowman's other stuff



Maybe copy the messages from the developer group to a page about the ethernet. Find Tom's image of the circuit board layout.



Tom's website. TODO, make a page here with more explaination about this, about how the FPGA works, and an archive of the VHDL code.


Roger's Firmware and Simulator


todo: anti-spam for Roger's email address

??? Where does this fit in ???
bmatthiasp at yahoo dot com

Side Projects Related to the PJRC MP3 Player Project, Paul Stoffregen.
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Questions, Comments?? <paul@pjrc.com>