News & Notes
CMSC 611
Spring 2000
Last modified
Class News
- 26 May: Final grades are now available.
The distribution of grades was 8 A's, 25 B's, 6 C's, and 2 F's. Any questions
or corrections should be sent to
You may make an appointment to discuss your final exam and/or project, but
it is very unlikely that your final grade will change unless I've made
a major grading error.
- 15 May: Project papers are due on Friday, May 19th at 5 PM. Please
use the submit
program to submit your project paper; it should be in either PostScript or
PDF format.
- 4 May: Project presentations will be
held next week (9 May & 11 May). Class on 11 May will run until 8:15 PM.
- 12 Apr: There have been some (relatively) major changes in the schedule.
We'll cover Chapter 8 before Chapter 6; the new schedule
contains the appropriate revisions. NOTE: class will run from 5:30
- 8:15 PM on May 11th to ensure that we cover all of the projects.
- 22 Mar: Class is canceled on March 28th. Class will be
held on March 30th. Please see the revised schedule
for details.
- 16 Mar: Homework #4 has been assigned, and
is due on 30 March at 5:45 PM. NOTE:
if you choose to scan in your homework, please use a resolution of 100 dpi
or less. Any larger than that makes the files too large.
- 6 Mar: The TA's office hours are now 4-5 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays
in 334 ECS.
- 11 Feb: The submit script is now working properly. Please
read the documentation on how
to submit homework, and try using it before the assignment is
due. You may also want to read the UCS
instructions for submit.
- 9 Feb: There has been a minor correction in the wording of Homework
#1, problem 5b ("program" -> "machine").
- 9 Feb: The first homework has been assigned,
and is due on 15 February at 5:45 PM. Homework must be handed in electronically;
details about how to hand in assignments may be found here.
Note that the submit
script doesn't yet work; it should be set up by Friday (11 Feb).
- 2 Feb: Slides are now accessible from
anywhere in the domain. The problem was caused by an (unannounced)
change to the Web server configuration file on January 27th, and has now been
- 31 Jan: CMSC 611 is currently full, and has at least 10 people on
the wait list. If you want to take the class but don't have official permission,
please put your name on the hold list and attend the first class (1 February
in MP 104).
NOTE: while the links to all of the homework assignments may exist before they are assigned, the homework may change until the date it's assigned. In other words, doing the homework before it's assigned isn't such a good idea.
Solutions are only accessible to Web browsers in the domain.
You're welcome to download the solutions to another computer, but you must access
them from a campus machine or a shell running on a campus machine. If you usually
use a different ISP, consider connecting to UMBC and using lynx (a
text-based Web browser).
Submitting homework
Homework must be submitted electronically on the UMBC gl cluster using
the submit
program; class code for this class is cs611. Acceptable formats for
homework are:
- ASCII text
- HTML (must be readable by Netscape 4.0 or later)
- JPEG or GIF (scanned-in images or pictures)
- PostScript (readable by ghostview)
Other formats are not acceptable, and will be ignored. Similarly, files that
don't contain your name in them will be ignored, so please make sure you put
your name in every file you hand in so that it will show up if the file is viewed
or printed (i.e., in HTML for HTML files, as part of the image for JPEG files,
etc.). If you have more than one file in the directory, please include a README
file explaining how the files fit together.
Homeworks are due at 5:45 PM on the due date 15 minutes after the start
For the project schedule, please see the project
information page.
- Midterm (4 Apr 2000, in class) [solutions]
- Final exam (Thursday, 18 May 2000 from 6-8 PM, MP 104 [same room
as class])