Project Information
CMSC 611, Spring 2000
A semester-long project dealing with some aspect of computer architecture is
an integral part of the CMSC 611 course. The best way to learn is by doing,
and this project gives students a great opportunity to conduct experiments in
computer architecture or explore more "far out" ideas.
Project Overview
Your group may pick any topic related to computer architecture; a list
of project suggestions can be found below. However, you're encouraged to
pick your own topic if possible. Anything related to computer architecture could
become a project, but it should involve some implementation, design, or analysis
- merely summarizing existing work in an area is not a project, though verifying
previously published claims with your own experiment may be OK. Either way,
you'll have to do some library research on your topic to get a basic grounding
in the material. I encourage you to pick projects that you (and the rest of
your group) find interesting, since those are the ones that are easiest to work
Your project will have several milestones throughout
the semester to ensure that your project stays on schedule. The project
schedule includes information on what has to be handed in for each milestone;
some milestones will also require that you meet the professor for 10 minutes.
Milestones aren't explicitly graded, and shouldn't require much time beyond
what you need to do to finish your project. Milestones will not be graded except
as part of the project as a whole. However, groups not satisfactorily meeting
milestone dates will lose points from their final project grade.
Obviously, you'll want to look in the library for papers on your topic of choice.
You may want to use the library's
online abstract search tools to find papers you might want to read. Another
approach is to find a recent paper on the topic and follow references back.
You might also want to try using Web search tools such as HotBot,
AltaVista, and Google.
Many papers are available on the Web; good places to check are tech report
FTP sites and the authors' home pages.
Written report
Each group must hand in a written report on their project. This report should
be 3500 - 5000 words long, or 8 to 12 single-spaced pages. It should describe
the problem, cover sufficient background material so that others can understand
the project, and describe both the project and results in detail. In short,
it should resemble a conference paper in both length and scope. A sample
project report (yes, this paper started as a class project) is available
online. As you can see, it's certainly possible for some particularly interesting
and well-done projects to lead to published papers, perhaps with some additional
Each group must present their projects to the class during the last week or
two of classes (the exact number of classes will depend on the number of project
groups). The presentations will be 15-20 minutes each, and should focus on the
project's results. Normally, only one member of the group will actually give
the presentation, but there have been groups where two or more people "shared"
the presentation. The presentation should include any slides or other materials
that will help the class understand the project.
Project Schedule
Dates marked with a (*) require a 10 minute meeting with the professor. Signup
sheets for these meetings are available online.
- 17 Feb 2000 (*): Group & project selection.
Each group should turn in a single page listing the group members (with e-mail
addresses) and a brief description of the project.
- 29 Feb 2000: Background research well underway.
Each group should turn in a list of 8-12 papers on its topic along with a
1-2 line summary of each paper. These papers will form the basis for your
project. You need not have read every paper by this date, but you should have
read some of them and read the abstract for all of them.
- 6 Apr 2000 (*): Preliminary plans & design
By this time, your group should have its project planned out and designed.
Early results would be welcome, but not required.
- 27 Apr 2000: Implementation & coding complete:
At this point, you should be done with any programming you need to do. The
rest of the time will be spent running experiments and writing up your results.
If you have no results by this time, it will be difficult to complete the
- 9-16 May 2000: Project presentations
One member of the group will present their project in a 20 minute presentation
(15 minutes for the talk, and 5 minutes for questions). This presentation
should focus on quantitative results.
- 16 May 2000 (5:15 PM in ECS 225H): Written project report
Each group must hand in a written report, as described above.
Project Topics
This is a list of suggested topics for your semester projects. This is by no
means an exhaustive list, and you are encouraged to pick a topic that you
are interested in. If you're not sure whether your project is appropriate for
a computer architecture class, please send me
- Build a VHDL (or C/C++) simulation of a modern CPU (such as DLX, PowerPC,
MIPS, Intel, etc.). Have it simulate programs to see how changes in architecture
might affect CPU performance. Some changes might be:
- Addition of a vector unit (i.e., AltiVec or MMX)
- Going to 64-bit addresses (change in registers)
- Different out-of-order execution schemes
- Pipeline depth
- Chip designers have proposed replacing some or all of the data cache with
a small, directly-accessible onchip memory. Is this likely to be a performance
win? Back up your conclusions with measurements of a few applications, showing
how the changes will affect cache hit rates and instruction count.
- Security is becoming an increasing concern on the WWW, but sharing (with
the right people) is also important. Propose hardware security mechanisms
for use in memory management (TLB / page table) that might facilitate both
security and sharing as appropriate.
- For what kinds of applications do CISC processors make sense? Is the RISC
vs. CISC battle over, and who has won (if anyone)?
- What is the maximum parallelism that a program can achieve in a perfect
world? How big an instruction buffer (with out-of-order execution) is necessary
to realize this parallelism, and how much parallelism can more realistic instruction
buffers allow? Various options (speculative execution, etc.) can be added
to increase potential parallelism and make the study more interesting.
- Create a benchmark suite to measure some aspect of a system's performance.
Why is your suite better than those that are already available? Does it give
different results than existing suites?
- Build (or modify) a CPU simulator for DLX, MIPS, or another architecture
to include a vector processor. Perform simulations to see how much faster
(if at all) the CPU can run if it includes a vector unit. Is the change worth
the extra hardware necessary to do vector processing?
- The Tera computer uses a processor that can support multiple threads and
switch between them while waiting for off-chip memory access. Build a simulator
that shows how effective this is and how many user threads might be necessary
to keep such a chip busy. This study could be done for "normal"
workloads such as the SPEC benchmarks to see how worthwhile such a chip would
be in desktop workstations.
- Gather instruction traces from machines in the department and analyze them.
Are instruction set mixes different from those in the text? If so, how? NOTE:
this project will involve getting tracing tools to work on a computer; you
may not use downloaded traces except to compare your traces against.
I would prefer that no more than 1 (maybe 2) groups work on each project topic.
There are plenty of topics here, and I expect that students will come up with
many more interesting topics.