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This is an old page that is no longer maintained.
These new, much easier instructions have replaced this old page (but we're keeping the old page on-line for reference and to support anyone who set up their build up this way). The method described here requires downloading several programs, including the large and complex Cygwin package... which caused a lot of frustration for many windows users who had little familiarity with command line syntax and unix shells. The new method is a single compact ZIP file that does not require Cygwin. We highly recommend you use the new setup if you haven't already installed Cygwin or if you are not familiar with unix.
Updated 8/16/01
I created this build script on a Win2K machine, but I have made it work on a
win98 machine also, so it should work on most wintel platforms.
I have a broadband connection. If you dont, you may want to take advantage of
the people in the group that have been willing to send cygwin CDs via mail.
Cygwin is a very complete package. For those of you that are familiar with linux/unix
you should be able to work as if you were at a typical linux box. This version
of the script includes directions for wincvs as well as the version of cvs that
comes with cygwin.
There are some issues with compiling SDCC v2.3.0 and I included workarounds, as
well as instructions for using the precompiled windows binaries.
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or other issues. I tried to be as
accurate as possible, but I definitely could have made some mistakes.
1. Install Cygwin
2. Install AS31
3. Install SDCC
4. Configure CVS and checkout source
5. Edit the Makefile (if necessary)
6. Make the firmware
Check that you have these four programs installed and you can run them from your command prompt. If any of these are missing, you will not have a working system. Check them NOW, before you proceed to AS31 and SDCC.
The best version to use, as of August 27, 2002, is:
You can also find newer copies of SDCC at the official SDCC website and this SDCC Nightly Snaphot page.
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/sdcc/cygbin
You do not need CVS if you only want to compile the firmware source archives that are available on the website. In that case, just download and unpack the firmware code, and skip this step. But remember, to download the very latest code that is in development (not release on the web site yet), you must use CVS.
Note: cvs uses for 2401 to communicate. If you are behind a firewall, be aware of this.
You can use either wincvs or the cvs that comes with cygwin
to download the source. Its up to you whether you prefer point
and click or command line. The following commands get you started with the command line version:
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@pjrc.com:/usr/local/cvs
[just press enter at the password
cvs -z5 -d :pserver:anonymous@pjrc.com:/usr/local/cvs
checkout mp3
for regular updates, do:
cvs update
[Alternate CVS]
install wincvs v1.2 - www.wincvs.org
a. click download, click x86 version 1.2
typical install, default location.
b. start wincvs
c. under admin->preferences set:
cvs root: :pserver:anonymous@pjrc.com:/usr/local/cvs
passwd file on cvs server
cvs version 1.1
d.select admin->login,
appropriate home dir
enter nothing
for the password.
you should
now be logged in.
e.for first time checkout:
Create->checkout module.
for module
name, use mp3
enter a
directory where you want the module to go
checkout options, select Force using CVSROOT (-d)
hit ok
This should work for a little while and populate the
directory with the cvs files.
To update to the most recent set of files, select the module
directory in the cvs browser and hit Modify->Update selection, then
hit ok.
This is assuming you put the sdcc build in C:/sdcc as specified in step 3.