read: SWP 2.1-2.4 read: The Semantic Web in Action, Sci Am, 2007 read: Web 3.0 Emerging view: 2008 Semantic Web Challenge ppt: Applications ( pdf ) ppt: XML ( pdf ) do: assignment two due: assignment one
read: SWP 84-106 read: The shortest path to the future web ppt: RDF Schema ( pdf ) onto: rdf namespace onto: rdfs namespace ppt: CWM notes ( pdf ) do: assignment Three
read: Experience with N3 rules ppt: OWL ( pdf )
read: SWP 138-150 view: Intro to OWL ( ppt ) ex: OWL rules in N3
read: SWP 138-150 due: assignment Three
ppt: DL ( pdf ) read: An Introduction to Description Logics read: Complexity of reasoning in Description Logics
try: Protege try: RACER read: Ontology Development 101 read: OWL Pizzas read: getting started protege OWL 4.x view: Manchester OWL syntax ppt: protegeOWL1 ( pdf ) ppt: protegeOWL2 ( pdf )
ppt: OWL abstract syntax ( pdf ) read: OWL 1.1 Web Ontology Language read: OWL Web Ontology Language Guide
do: asssigment 4 read: SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language read: Supporting Rule System Interoperability on the SW with SWRL read: Semantic web architecture: Stack or two towers
14 rules.ppt 16sparql.ppt
Provenance -- Curt Tilmes
Linked data
Linked Data -- Scott Barasch
DBpedia -- Krishnamurthy Koduvayur
Semantic Media Wiki
Freebase -- Tejas Lagvankar
Semantic Media Wiki -- Shivvasangari Subramani
Ping the Semantic Web
Search -- Varish Mulwad
Ping the semantic Web -- Shantanu Fauji
Triple stores: Jena -- Luke Georgalas
Triple stores: Virtuoso -- Michael Povolotsky
RDFa and GRDDL -- Anand Karandikar
Microfotmats -- Vikrant Nandakumar
read: Using Wikitology for Cross-Document Entity Coreference Resolution ppt: wikitology.ppt
Wordnet ontology -- Robert Lehman
Ontology mapping 1 -- Kunal Narsinghani and Ashwini Lahane
CYC ontology -- Patrick McCauley
Uncertainty and the semantic web -- Jenifer Sleeman
read: SWP Chapter 5
read: RIF Basic Logic Dialect read: RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility ppt: rules.ppt