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AS31 Assembler

This free program was originally written by Ken Stauffer, University of Calgary. This modified version includes some small fixes and the addition of Intel HEX format output for compatibility with my PAULMON debugger and most EPROM programmers.

Also, special thanks to Adam Kropelin, who compiled as31 for MSDOS/Windows using Microsoft Visual C++.

The AS31 documentation, derived from the original as31 man page is now available in html format. It still looks and feels like a unix man page, unfortunately.

To test as31, try assembling this copy of PAULMON1, which is slightly modified to be compatible with as31. A copy of the correct object code is included, so you can easily check that your copy of as31 is working properly.

AS31 Assembler, Old Versions; Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: Pretty good, atmel icp in beta, missing some docs for code.
Suggestions, comments, criticisms, things you want?? <paul@pjrc.com>