
NSF and ARPA BAA update


As you know from this list the NSF solication is out. I spent two hours 
yesterday in the NSF Office of the program manager for this - Steve Funk.
Steve has just arrived from ARPA to head this up. He gave me his world 
view and approach, both while at ARPA and now at NSF. He helped make the 
distincition between the ARPA and NSF slices of this.

ARPA is focused on high tech integration, muds, moos, artificial 
intelligence, authoring tools, simulations etc. And ARPA needs to follow 
DoD contracting procedures which are limiting and restricitive. It has 
the DoDDS teachers almost paranoid about talking to us about it.

NSF is in the business of cooperative agreements and advancing the 
knowledge base. Therefore we can and should engage in intellectually 
focused discussions on the pedagogy and design and effectiveness of the 
technology in education. I am encouraging the DoDDS teachers to discuss 
the Math Electronic Resource Center and virtual classrooms in that 
context.  NSF would like to see more of the ARPA money go to NSF.

The NSF abstract/white paper is due DEc 15 with proposals due Feb 15

The ARPA abstract is due Dec 12, replies from ARPA by the 17th and 
proposals due Jan 9. The latest on the BAA issue date is Friday this week.

We will be submitting proposals for both.

More later as I write up my notes.

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