This page contains various 331-related resources on where to get help, UMBC's computing
environments, and programming language content
Where to Get Help
- Racket — the version os the Scheme programming language system we will use
- Python — get the latest version of the Python interpreter
WinSCP — transfer files from your Windows PC/laptop to the GL
TeraTerm Pro with SSH for Windows — a terminal emulator to connect
your Windows PC/laptop to the GL servers
PuTTY — another
terminal emulator to connect your Windows PC/laptop to the GL
Remotely Accessing the GL Servers
UNIX/Linux Resources (via Dan Hood)
- The Paradigms of
Programming, Robert W FLoyd. CACM v22:8, August 1979, pp
455-460. This classic paper was written by Floyd on winning the
1978 Turing Award.
- What is ‘‘ObjectOriented Programming’’?
(1991 revised version) Bjarne Stroustrup AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill,
New Jersey 07974
- On the Notion of Inheritance, ANTERO
TAIVALSAARI, Nokia Research Center
- Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming,
JACQUES COHEN Brandeis University
- On growing a language, Guy Steele,
OOPSLA 98 talk.
- I Have a Feeling We're Not In Emerald
City Anymore, Henry G. Baker, SigPLAN Notices 4, 1997.
- A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking,
Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, OOPSLA, 1989.
- Why Functional Programming Matters, John
Hughes, 1984
- Luca Cardelli, Peter Wegner: On Understanding
Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism. ACM Computing Surveys, Volume
17, Number 4, December 1985, 471-522
- Paul Graham, Beating the Averages, This
article is based on a talk given at the Franz Developer Symposium in Cambridge,
MA,on March 25,2001.
- Edsger W. Dijkstra, Go To Statement
Considered Harmful, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 3, March 1968,
pp. 147-148.
- How to pick a programming language.
Origiinally a post to comp.lang.python
- ...for more papers, brose the papers directory
General Programming Languages
Language Description Forms
Recursive-Descent Parsers
Functional Programming