How do I get a GL account?
If you are a registered student, then you already have one. It is the same
as your myUMBC user ID and password.
How do I access the GL machines from home?
Refer to the Resources page and flip
through the Remotely Accessing the GL Server section.
What if I'm having problems logging into the GL machines?
You should contact the Division of
Information Technology (DoIT). You may contact them via an online help
request, or visit their help desk (Technology Support Center) on the
first floor of the library.
What should I do if I am not enrolled in the Blackboard site for this course?
You can self-enroll in this course by searching for it under Courses. If
you cannot find it or are having some other self-enrollment difficulty,
contact your instructor immediately.
What should I do if I am not enrolled in this course?
Immediately contact the instructor whose lecture section you would like to
be in.
How can I use the submit system on gl?
See the page on using submit.
What if I am having problems with submit?
Your userid has to be in our submit configuration file in order for you to use it. We think we have added everyone, but if you registered late, maybe we missed you.
Don't wait until the last minute to verify that you can use submit for the first homework or project where its use is required. If you try these commands on GL and they do not work, please contact a TA or the instructer asap.
I'm new to UMBC, where do I start?
This is a broad question, but here are a few ideas:
Read/skim the entire course website. Even if parts are not currently
relevant, you should know how to find them later when they are.
Learn how to use Linux. Start with the Linux-related links on the
Resources page.
Attend lecture. Many announcements will be made only in lecture. Also,
often students will ask questions for clarification that will only be
answered in lecture — be there!
- How to I run the Scheme interpreter on GL?
The Scheme interpreter on GL is called mzscheme.
[finin@linux3 ~]$ mzscheme
Welcome to MzScheme v4.1.1 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
> (+ 1 2)
> (define (fact n)(if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
> (fact 10)
- Where can I download a copy of Scheme for my own computer?
You can download your own copy of the version of Scheme we will be using (Racket) from the Racket site.