Project Requirements
Sample Programs
- Lab 1 (Put on the web site 2/12/01)
- Lab 2 (Put on the web site 3/13/01)
Submit Projects 4 Through 8 Electronically
- At the Unix prompt, type
submit cs104_0201 projX filename.c
- Replace projX with proj4, proj5, etc.
- Replace filename.c with the name of your source file.
- If the submission is successful, you will see a confirmation message similar to the following.
filename: submitted OK
- Incorrectly submitted projects will not be graded. To check if submission is successful, you can type the following at the unix prompt to get a listing of what file(s) you have submitted and at what date/time.
submitls cs104_0201 projX
- Replace projX with proj4, proj5, etc.
- Please only send ONE file for every project. If you submit multiple versions of your project, only your first copy will be graded. Because of this, make sure all the work is done before you submit it.
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