Lecture Materials

Disclaimer: Lecture materials are not guaranteed to contain everything of importance in class. Sometimes this is because they were prepared by an instructor other than yours. Sometimes this is just because important things can happen spontaneously. You are responsible for whatever happened in your section, whether you were there or not.
Course Overview  (PPT)
Course Overview  (PDF)
Slides for Programming Tools
Introduction to Ant  (PPT)
Introduction to Ant  (PDF)
Sample build file
Introduction to Eclipse  (PPT)
Introduction to Eclipse  (PDF)
Introduction to CVS  (PPT)
Introduction to CVS  (PDF)

Java for C++ Developers
Java for C++ Developers — Part I
Java for C++ Developers — Part II

Slides for Java Module
Introduction to Java 1  (PPT)
Introduction to Java 1  (PDF)
Introduction to Java 2  (PPT)
Introduction to Java 2  (PDF)
Introduction to Java 3  (PPT)
Introduction to Java 3  (PDF)

Asymptotic Analysis Module
Asymptotic Analysis notes (postscript)  (html)
More Asymptotic Analysis notes - (PPT)

List Module
Intro to Lists, Iterators (PPT) (PDF)
Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues (PPT) (PDF)

GUI Module
GUI Programming (PPT) (PDF)
GUI Code Samples (zip) (jar)
Event Programming (PPT) (PDF)
Event Code Samples (zip) (jar)

Trees Module
Introduction to Trees (PPT) (PDF)
Binary Search Trees (PPT) (PDF)
K-D trees (PPT) (PDF)

Balanced BST Module
Introduction to Splay Trees PostScript PDF - Anastasio
Splay Tree Slides (PPT) (PDF)
Splaying Diagrams (PPT) (PDF)

Amortized Analysis and Proof of Splay Bounds (PPT) (PDF)

Introduction to Red-Black trees (PostScript)   PDF - Dr. Tom Anastasio
Red-Black Tree Definitions, Theorems and Insertion (PPT) (PDF)
Red-Black Tree Deletion (PPT) (PDF)
Top-Down Red-Black Tree Deletion (PPT)
Red-Black Tree Rotation Diagrams - (PPT) (PDF)
B-Tree Module
Paper on deletion in B-trees by Jan Jannink (Postscript)
B-Tree Notes (PostScript) (PPT) (PDF)

Hashing Module
Introduction to Hashing (PPT) (PDF)

Priority Queue Module
Priority Queues and Binary Heaps (PPT) (PDF)

SkipList Module
Anastasio's SkipList notes PostScript   and   HTML
SkipList notes (PPT) (PDF)
SkipList paper by Wm. Pugh (PDF format)
SkipList C code by Wm. Pugh

Disjoint Set Module
Notes from the 1994 SRC Algorithm Animation Festival
Ackerman Function notes (html) by Robert Kosara
Disjoint Set Notes (PPT) (PDF)

Graph Module
Graph Notes (PPT) (PDF)
Demos of Dijkstra's algorithm