UMBC CMSC 202 Spring '00 | CSEE | 202 | 202 S'00 | lectures | news | help |
Ms. Mitchell's Section
You can copy it from this directory into yours. I have provided a sample main function (bstmain.C). Make sure that you read through the code and understand the LOGIC for the final exam. Note that the delete method that I wrote is iterative. If you are curious about a recursive algorithm, see Mr. Kukla's code in his public directory.
A spreadsheet containing all project scores, exam scores, and final grades will be posted by Saturday, May 27. I will be available via e-mail after the final grades have been posted for a period of ONE WEEK (until Friday, June 2). YOU MUST CONTACT ME WITHIN THAT TIME PERIOD IF YOU WISH TO DISCUSS YOUR GRADE. If we need to get together in person or speak via telephone, that can be arranged. BUT YOU MUST E-MAIL ME BY FRIDAY, JUNE 2. I will be unavailable after June 2 until the fall semester.