
background papers on MUDs

I put some background papers on MUDs on our web pages.  You can get
them from


Currently there are for available as postscript files.  I can mail
copies if anyone is having problems accessing or printing them.  The
papers are:

    Collaborative Information Retrieval: Gopher from MOO 

    A paper by Larry Masinter, a researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research

    Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities

    This paper was written by Pavel Curtis (aka Haakon, creator of LambdaMOO)
    for submission to the 1992 conference on Directions and Implications of
    Advanced Computing, sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social
    Responsibility.  A version of this paper was also published in the small-
    press magazine `Intertek'.

    MUDs Grow Up: Social Virtual Reality in the Real World

    This paper was written by Pavel Curtis and David Nichols, both of Xerox
    PARC, for presentation at the Third International Conference on Cyberspace,
    held in May, 1993.

    Collaborative Networked Communication: MUDs as Systems Tools

    This is a paper by Remy Evard, the head of the system administration group
    at Northeastern University, presented at the 1993 LISA conference.

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