
BAA Abstract and Proposal

Here are the requirements for the ARPA abstract that is due on 12 
December. We really need to have all the content for the abstract 
finalised2. Their expected impact on state-of-the-art by the close of the meeting on 6th December in Baltimore. 
Please look carefully at the abstract outline and compose the contenst 
for each page as you see it for your contribution. 

Lissa is faxing technical ideas to be pursued the rest of the proposal infromationSection C:  One-page summary of deliverables packet to each of 

ARPA Abstract Content Requirements
Section A:  Cover page
1. Date
2. Title
3. Technical Contact (mail, phone, faxSection B:  One-page summary of innovative claims, and e-mail address)
4. Administrative Contact (mail, phone, faxSection B:  One-page summary of innovative claims, and e-mail address)
5. Plainly mark the page PROPOSAL ABSTRACTSection D:  One-page summary of 
schedule and milestones
1. Include estimates of cost per year
2. Include estimate of total cost
Section E:  One-page summary of any proprietary claims
1. To results of work or to anything needed to take full advantage of the 
2. Omit this page if now proprietary claims exist
Section F:  Technical Rationale (may not exceed 20 pages)
1. Technical arguments to substantiate claims in Section B
2. Description of approach that is consistent with Sections C and D
3. Comparison with alternative approaches
Section G:  One-page comparison with other ongoing research
Section H:  Summary of previous accomplishments (not to exceed 5 pages)

 ARPA Proposal Content Requirements
7 Each section will begin on a new page
7 pages will be 8 1/2 X 11 
7 Type will be 12 pt
7 Margins must not be less than 1 inch
Section A:  Cover page
1. BAA number
2. Proposal Title
3. Technical Point of Contact (phone and e-mail)
4. Administrative Point of Contact (phone and e-mail)
5. Name and address for correspondence
6. ContractorPage 2:  A copy of the official letter of submission
Section B:  One-page summary of innovative claims
1. Key technical ideas to be pursued
2. Their expected impact on state-of-the-art
Section C:  One-page summary of deliverables
Section D:  One-page summary of schedule and milestones for the proposed 
Section E:  One-page summary of any proprietary claims
1. To results of work or to anything needed to take full advantage of the 
2. Omit this page if no  proprietary claims exist
Section F:  Statement of Work
1. Scope of the effort
2. Specific tasks to be performed
Section G: Description of final products
1. results
2. products
3. transferable technology

What needs will be met with this technology and how will it work?
Section H:  Technical Rationale (may not exceed 20 pages)
1. Technical arguments to substantiate claims in Section B
2. Description of approach that is consistent with Sections C and D
3. Comparison with alternative approaches
Section I:  Performance Evaluation Section (not to exceed 3 pages)
1. Objective evaluation procedures 
Section J:  Previous Accomplishments related to this work (not to exceed 
5 pages)
1. Discuss previous accomplishments
Section K:  One-page description of the Facilities and Equipment to be used
Section L:  One-page listing of key personnel and the amount of effort 
expended by each during each contract year
Section M:  Personnel Qualifications
1. Summary of qualifications of key personnel
2. Other major sources of support for these individuals, including 
pending proposals
Section N:  Cost Section
(describe for each below for entire contract and each contract year)  
Divide into logical portions (identified as contract options) if 
necessary for the purposes of funding and create separate cost estimates 
for each
1. Page one:  Summary of the costs by year and option
2. Explanation of any cost sharing proposed
3. Major tasks
4. Equipment
5. Resources 
Section O:  Bibliography
1. Relevant technical papers
2. Research notes (published and unpublished)
3. (May include not more than 5 relevant papers)

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