News and Notes

  1. HW1 has been put up on 01/30 and is due in class on 02/04.
  2. Project documentation is online.
  3. HW2 is due in class on 02/11.
  4. The last date for submitting the list of names of project members is 02/15.
  5. HW3 is due in class on 02/25.
  6. Call for Papers 2nd Semi-Annual UMBC CSEE Student Research Conference
  7. Please choose a date and paper for the paper presentation.
    Paper presentation date will be allocated only if you have choosen the paper to be presented.
    Please send a URL of the paper along with the request.
    The last day for selection : 03/11
  8. Slides for the presentation should be mailed to
    If a projector is needed for the presentation, mail the slides to Filip Perich ( before 1pm on the day of the presentation.
    OHP will also be available.
  9. One of the three students, presenting on a given day, will be incharge of getting the projector.
  10. The person in-charge of getting the projector must collect the projector from the TA (ECS 208) before 3:15pm.
  11. The projector must be kept in Dr. Joshi's office after the lecture.
  12. From Monday (04/29), the AV services will be providing the projector. The students should not get the projector from the dept. It is a good idea to prepare transparances in case the projector is not available

Anupam Joshi
Last modified: Wed Apr 24 15:41:50 EDT 2002