Paper Presentation Schedule
10th April 2002
Amit Choudhri
Vigil : Enforcing Security in Ubiquitous Environments
Hiren Shah
A Cluster- based Approach for Routing in Dynamic Networks
Ashwatha Matthur
An End-to-End Approach to Host Mobility
15th April 2002
Poonam Munshi
Security-Aware Ad hoc Routing for Wireless Networks
Binita Mehta
topology discovery in sensor networks
Meenakshi Bangad
17th April 2002
Vipul Hingne
Next Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination in Sensor Networks
Amit Joshi
Proem : a peer-to-peer system and developement platform for mobile ad-hoc applications
Sowjanya Rajavaram
Anycasting and Geocasting in Ad Hoc networks
22nd April 2002
Ripin Natani
JUMP Mode : A Dynamic Window-based Scheduling Framework for Bluetooth Scatternets
Kunal Punwani
A Mobile Host Protocol Supporting Route Optimization and Authentication
Prashant Punjabi
A Novel Approach for Execution of Distributed Tasks on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
24th April 2002
Kemal Akkaya
Architecture and experimental framework for supporting QoS in wireless networks using differentiated services
Vishal Shanbhag
Electronic Commerce Transactions in a Mobile Computing Environment
Kunjan Naik
Intercepting Mobile Communications: The Insecurity of 802.11
29th April 2002
Gaurav Jolly
An Evolutionary-TDMA Scheduling Protocol (E-TDMA) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Meghna Kukreja
Database Replica Management Strategies in Multidatabases with Mobile Hosts
Avinash Shenoi
Ninja Architecture for Robust Internet Scale Systems and Services
1st May 2002
Ajay Prabhu
Location Management in Distributed Mobile Environment
Vinay Bhat
Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing
Sachin Bhatkar
Intrusion Detection in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
6th May 2002
Suyog Deshpande
Enhancing Performance of Asynchronous Data Traffic over the Bluetooth Wireless Ad-hoc Network
Dan Hood
Fisheye Routing Protocol
Abhishek Desai
Distributed topology construction of Bluetooth personal area networks
8th May 2002
Dhiresh Rawal
Sohel Merchant
Metronaut: A Wearable Computer with Sensing and Global Communication Capabilities
Aniket Apte
Multicast Support for Mobile Hosts using Mobile IP: Design Issues and Proposed Architecture
13th May 2002
Anugeetha Kunjithapatham
Mobile Agents For Network Management
Deepali Khushraj
Protocols for Service Discovery in Dynamic and Mobile Networks
Gaurav Gupta
Next Century Challenges: Mobile Networking for "Smart Dust"
Dr. Anupam Joshi
Last modified: Wed Apr 24 22:15:28 EDT 2002