CMSC 471
Artificial Intelligence -- Fall 2010
out 8/31/10; due 9/14/09
PART I. What is AI? (20 pts)
READING: Read John McCarthy's paper, "What is AI? ("
ASSIGNMENT: Does McCarthy see the primary goal of AI as modeling
human intelligence? Does he think that this goal is achievable? Why
or why not? Summarize some of the key challenges in achieving human-level
PART II. Why Lisp? (20 pts.)
READING: Read the article "Beating the Averages"
by Paul Graham.
ASSIGNMENT: Describe three of the key features of Lisp that,
according to Graham, make it a good language for developing applications.
Explain what Graham means when he says that "Lisp has no syntax."
PART III. Lisp Programming (60 pts.)
ASSIGNMENT: These problems are intended to help you become familiar
with the basic programming concepts in the Lisp language. Documentation and
error checking are essential in this class, so although these problems are
simple, your code must be documented, and error cases must be handled.
(For example, in problem #2, what happens if the argument isn't a list? What
if it is a list, but is less than three elements long?)
1. Writing simple functions (10 pts.)
(a) 5 pts. Write a function (lesstwo n) to return the the number
that is two less than its integer argument n. For example, (lesstwo
2) should return 0; (lesstwo 5) should return 3.
(b) 5 pts. Write a function (fact n) to return the factorial of the argument
n. (The factorial of an integer is the product of all integers
from 1 to that integer.) For example, (fact 3) should return 6;
(fact 10) should return 3628800. (What do you think (fact
'hello) should return?) You should use recursion to write this function.
2. Operating on lists (35 pts.)
(a) 5 pts. Write the function (my-third l) which returns the third
element of the list l. Do not use the built-in function (third).
You can define
this function either recursively or non-recursively.
(b) 10 pts each.
There are often many different ways to solve the same problem
in Lisp. In this problem, you will need to use your creativity and knowledge
of Lisp functions to write the same function in several different ways. The
function (posint l) should take a list l and return a list
containing only the positive integers in the list. For example, (posint
'(a 2.3 -1 5 hello 3 (1 2)))) should return (5 3 1 2). You
can use the built-in function integerp in your solutions.
- Implement the posint function using mapcar.
- Implement the posint function using the loop macro.
- Implement the posint function recursively.
3. Flattening a nested list (15 pts.)
Write a function (flatten-list l) that takes an arbitrarily deeply
nested list of atoms, and returns a flattened list of these atoms (in the
same order they appear in the original list). For example, (flatten-list
'(((1) 2) ((3 (4)) 5) 6)) should return (1 2 3 4 5 6).