CMSC 471, Fall 2002 - Course Syllabus
as of 11/27/02

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1 W 8/28 Introduction Ch. 1, Lisp Ch. 1, McCarthy paper HW1(PW) out Slides
2 W 9/4 Agents/Lisp Ch. 2, Lisp Ch. 2-3, Graham article
Useful website:
Lisp example
3 M 9/9 Problem solving as search; Lisp Ch. 3.1-3.3, Lisp Ch. 4-5, App. A   Slides (class #3-4)
4 W 9/11 Uninformed search Ch. 3.4-3.6, 3.8 HW1 due; HW2(PW) out (see above)
5 M 9/16 Informed search Ch. 4.1-4.2 (except material on constraints), Lisp Ch. 7   Slides (class #5-6)
Key example: 8-puzzle (V0, V1
3puzzle "polished",
8puzzle "polished")
6 W 9/18 Constraint satisfaction Ch. 3.7, 4.2 end, 4.3-4.5 Student evaluation #1 (see above); Slides (class #6)
Key example: map coloring
7 M 9/23 Game playing Ch. 5.1-5.4   Slides (class #7-8)
8 W 9/25 Game playing II Ch. 5.5-5.8 HW2 due; HW3(P) out (see above)
Key example: Tic-tac-toe
9 M 9/30 Knowledge representation Ch. 6.1-6.3   Slides
10 W 10/2 Propositional logic Ch. 6.4-6.6   Slides (class #10/12)
11  M 10/7 MIDTERM #1      
12 W 10/9 First-order logic Ch. 7.1, 7.3, 7.5   (see above); Slides (class #12/14)
Class videotape?
13 M 10/14 Philosophy and history of AI Chronology of AI; Ch. 27, Turing article; Searle article   Slides
Key example: Wumpus world reflex agent
14 W 10/16 Reasoning about change and action Ch. 7.6-7.10 HW3 due; HW4(W) out (see above)
Dr. desJardins away; guest lecturer Yun Peng;
class feedback session
15 M 10/21 Logical inference Ch. 9.1-9.4   Slides (class #15/16)
Gremlin example
16 W 10/23 Resolution Ch. 9.5-9.6   (see above)
17 M 10/28 Knowledge representation: Frame systems, uncertainty Ch. 10.5-10.6, 14.1, 14.2 (skim), 15.6 Project proposal due Slides
Dr. desJardins away; guest lecturer Scott Cost
18 W 10/30 Probabilistic reasoning Ch. 14.2-14.6 HW4 due Slides
Dr. desJardins away; guest lecturer Lise Getoor (UMd)
19 M 11/4 Bayesian networks Ch. 15.1-15.2   Slides
20 W 11/6 Forward-chaining planning Ch. 11.1-11.4 HW5 out Slides (class #20/21/23)
Key example: Alarm
21 M 11/11 STRIPS planning Reading TBA   (see above)
22 W 11/13 MIDTERM #2     Dr. desJardins away; guest proctor Tim Finin
23 M 11/18 Partial-order planning Ch. 11.4-11.7 Project design due; individual reports due (see above)
Key example: Blocks world
24 W 11/20 Hierarchical planning Ch. 12 HW5 due; HW6(W) out Slides (class #24)
25 M 11/25 Machine learning I:  Decision trees Ch. 18.1-18.4 Slides (class #25-26)
26 W 11/27 Machine learning II:  Version spaces, COLT Ch. 18.5-18.7 (see above)
Key example: Weather
27 M 12/2 Neural networks Ch. 19.1-19.3 Slides (class #27-28)
28 W 12/4 Knowledge-based learning Ch. 21.1-21.4 (Tournament dry run)
Draft final report due; HW6 due
29 M 12/9 Tournament Tournament  
-- W 12/18 FINAL EXAM, 1-3 p.m.