I have installed a copy of the Garden Points Modula-2 compiler in my account on gl.umbc.edu. It only works under Linux.
The file modulasetup can be used to establish the environment variables needed for gpmodula.
To use the modula compiler, try this:
The first time you do this, make a symbolic link to the
modulasetup file using the command:
'ln -s /afs/umbc.edu/users/n/i/nicholas/pub/331/modulasetup modulasetup'
(That's all one line, without the quotes.) You only have to do this
once. This command creates a file called modulasetup in your
directory. Look at it if you want to - it just sets some environment
variables, as well as adding a directory to your path.
Then, whenever you begin a session of Modula coding,