Grading Criteria for Project 1
Gas Mileage
Out: Tuesday 2/18/97
Due: Midnight Tuesday 3/4/97
The following pertains to all projects:
- Projects will be graded according to five equal parts:
- correctness
- design
- style
- documentation
- efficiency
- Projects are due by midnight of the due date.
- You may turn in incomplete projects for grading. Late penalties apply.
- A project that runs incorrectly will receive no more than 75% of the grade
- A project that does not compile will receive no more than 50% of the grade
- These guidelines are for incomplete projects where a good effort was made.
Garbage will receive 0%.
Specific points values for Project 1
- Correctness
- 4 points - Correct results for each iteration
- 4 points - Correct results for program totals, average.
- 4 points - Use of the sentinel 0 as per instructions.
- 4 points - Can't calculate mpg for last fill message.
- 4 points - mpg expressed to 2 decimal places.
- Design
- 20 points - Awarded automatically for a working program.
- Style
- 4 points - Use of adequate whitespace
- 4 points - Indentation of comments evenly with the surrounding code
- 4 points - Use of either Student or Bell Labs indentation style
Discussions - week 2
- 4 points - Use of meaningful variable names
- 4 points - Use of naming conventions per CS201 Style sheet,
Discussions - week 2
- Documentation
- 2 points - Filename given in program header comment
- 2 points - Author's name given in program header comment
- 2 points - Date written given in program header comment
- 4 points - Adequate program description given in program header comment
- 10 points - Adequate descriptive comments within the code
- Efficiency
- 20 points - Awarded automatically for a working program.
Project Policy
All projects must be completed by your own individual effort. You should never
have a copy of someone else's project either on paper or electronically under
any circumstance. Also, you should never give a copy of your project, either
on paper or electronically, to another student. This also means that you
cannot "work" on the project together. Cases of academic dishonesty will be
dealt with severely.
If your project is turned in by someone else, both you and the person copying
your project will receive a 0 for that project. This includes "substantially
similar" projects. Furthermore, all parties concerned will have their prior
projects checked for cheating. So, if you cheat on Project 5, you can lose all
the points from Projects 1 through 4 as well, even though you may have done
all the work and just "let" other people copy from you.