201 Hypermail Archives ---- umbc.course.csee201 newsgroup

  • Welcome to CMSC 201 and 201H
  • We will add news items to this page on an ongoing basis. New items will be added to the top of the page. You should learn how to read news and subscribe to the newsgroup umbc.course.csee201 which provides a more open forum in which anyone can post messages of interest to the CMSC201 community. While you are at it, subscribe to the umbc.csee newsgroup which carries announcements of the CSEE Department, information about the department and computer and information technology in general.

  • Announcements
  • Due date of Project 4 EXTENDED:

    Project 4 is now due before midnight, Tuesday 4/29/97.
    Students submitting their projects before the original due date of Thursday 4/24/97 will receive 5 points of extra credit for early completion.

    More help available :

    Beginning 4/2/97, you will have a new source of help with 201 material. Jeff Brown, a former CSHC tutor and current grader for 201, will be holding office hours in room ECS 208 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 until 6:30. If you need help understanding a concept or with program design, Jeff is there to help you out.

  • Explanation

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