Objectives for today's lab:
- Use Python's random library to generate integers.
- Time program execution with the Python time library.
- Create a program that demonstrates the differing running times of binary
search and linear search.
Step 0 - Set up
- Make a lab11 directory in your 201/labs directory
- Change into your lab11 directory.
- Use emacs to create a lab11.py file in your lab11 directory
- In lecture we saw that linear search has a running time of n,
while binary search runs in log 2 n time.
- Why not use always use binary search if it has a better running time?
- It only works on lists that are sorted.
One iteration of linear search is faster than sorting the list and running
a binary search, but if sequential searches are needed, then it may be worth
the upfront cost of sorting the list.
Program Outline
Pseudo Code
Import random and time
From search import *
Get length of list from the user
Create a list containing the values 0 to length - 1
Shuffle the list with random.shuffle()
Start linear search timer
Loop 1000 times:
Generate a random integer between 0 and length - 1
Call linear search on the list with this random number
Stop linear search timer
Start binary search timer
Sort list with list.sort()
Loop 1000 times:
Generate a random integer between 0 and length - 1
Call binary search on list with random number
Stop binary search timer
Print out resulting times
Step 1 - Create List
- We're going to create a list of integers, such that the value stored
at each index is the same as the index, i.e. list[5] = 5
- Print the list so you know what the list really contains.
- Next we'll shuffle the values using random.shuffle()
- Print the list so you can see that the values did get shuffled.
Step 2 - Testing Linear Search
- In main(), we'll get a random number in the range of 0 to length - 1 by making a call to randint().
- Recall that randint(x,y) generates a random integer between
x and y inclusive.
import random
number = random.randint(1, 1001)
print "%7d" % (number),
Then we'll search for that number in the list using linearSearch().
Write a function called linearSearch() that takes a list and a number
to search for and returns the index where it was found or -1 if the
number was not in the list.
Test this function.
Step 4 -
Timing the Execution
- The Python time module can be used to get the current time.
- By storing the time at the start of a block of code and subtracting
from the current time at the end, you can determine how much time it
took to run.
- time.time() returns the current time in seconds since the epoch,
00:00, January 1, 1970.
Here's an example of timing:
import time
t0 = time.time()
y = 1
for x in range(1000):
y = y * x
t1 = time.time()
print "Execution time:", t1 - t0
- Add code to main() to get the execution times for linearSearch()
and binarySearch()
- Remember that since binarySearch() will only work on a sorted list,
the timing for binarySearch() should also include the initial sorting
of the list.
- Since these execution times will be small, you could get more
meaningful data if you time 1000 searches for each type of search.
- Run your program with different size lists to see what the execution
times are for both linear search and binary search.