Sue Evans & James MacGlashan
Lisa <-- Name 0.03 <-- Homework 1 Weight 91 <-- Homework 1 Grade 0.03 <-- Homework 2 Weight 99 ... 0.03 ... 89 0.03 90 0.03 100 0.03 100 0.03 98 0.03 95 0.08 <-- Project 1 Weight 85 <-- Project 1 Grade 0.08 ... 100 0.25 <-- Midterm Weight 94 <-- Midterm Grade 0.25 92 0.10 <-- Lab/Discussion Weight 34 <-- TOTAL (of best 10) out of 30 pts!! (But Lisa got extra credit!)
cp /afs/ .
python < lisa.txt
def main(): # DO NOT CHANGE MAIN!! # DO NOT CHANGE MAIN!! # courseDataList needs to be initialized courseDataList = [] #gather name, which is the first item on Lisa.txt name = raw_input() #create a list from the file Lisa.txt for i in range(FILE_LEN): #grab the rest of the values from the file and place into my list courseDataList.append(input()) courseScore = findCourseScore(courseDataList) letterGrade = findLetterGrade(courseScore) print "%s: %.2f - %c" % (name, courseScore, letterGrade) main()
Here is what the grade report should look like:
Lisa: 95.49 - A