Homeworks and projects are to be submitted electronically using the
submit command. The general form of the submit
command is:
submit cs201 <AssignmentName> <Files>
where <AssignmentName> is "HW1", "Proj2", etc.
(without the quotes) and <Files> is a list of files
to be submitted for grading.
Homeworks and projects may be submitted as often as you like prior to the final deadline. Only the last assignment you submit will be graded.
You can verify that your files were submitted by using the
submitls command. The general form of the
submitls command is:
submitls cs201 <AssignmentName>
For more information, see the
UCS project submission system web page.
NO late assignments will be accepted. If you submit your assignment after the deadline, you will receive no credit for it.
ALL ASSIGNMENTS must produce no error messages when run on linux1,
linux2, or linux3.
DO NOT develop your assignments on other
machines -- if your assignment will not run error-free on linux 1/2/3 you
can only receive half-credit at best.
For assignments that involve writing code, your assignment will be graded based on four criteria:
After the assignments are graded, you will receive an e-mail from the "grades keeper". A gradeform will be attached to the email. The gradeform details the point deductions and penalties for your assignment. Each gradeform will have points specific to that particular assignment.
Assignments will only be graded if a good effort was made. A score of 1 indicates that assignment files were submitted but a significant effort was not made towards the goals of the assignment.
All assignments are eligible for extra credit at the discretion of the grader based on:
You may turn in incomplete or partially-correct assignments for grading.