CMSC 201
Programming Project Three
Out: Monday 3/30/09
Due: before Midnight, Sunday 4/12/09
The design document for this project, design3.txt ,
is due: Before Midnight, Sunday 4/5/09
The Objective
This project will give you practice using good design techniques, separate
compilation, pointers, structures, arrays of structures, string comparison,
C file-handling functions, and dynamic memory allocation.
The Background
Trains are used by industry to transport both their raw materials and finished
goods and by farmers to ship their crops and livestock to market. Freight
rates are different for each type of item shipped and are generally given
in cents per ton-mile. A rate of 52.5 cents per ton-mile means that it will
cost 52 and 1/2 cents to ship 1 ton of that item a distance of one mile.
Rates vary quite a bit due to the density of some items. For instance, the
rate for shipping coal needs to be much less than the rate for shipping eggs.
For this project, you will be keeping track of the cars found in one train.
For each of the cars, there is a car identification number, the cargo being
carried, the origin and destination, the number of miles being travelled from
the origin to the destination, the weight of the items in the car in pounds,
and the cost of shipping that car full of product.
You will also need to keep some information about the entire train. You'll
need to know the number of cars in the train, the total weight of everything
being shipped and the total shipping cost associated with the cars in this
The Task
Your task is to read in information from the cars.dat file, find the shipping
cost for each car, and the train totals mentioned above. You will then use
this information to print out a train report. You will also draw an
illustration of this train using ascii art, which is a crude picture comprised
solely of ascii characters. See the sample output for an example.
More details
- You must use the following structure definition :
typedef struct car
int carNum;
char cargo[LENGTH];
char origin[LENGTH];
char destination[LENGTH];
int weight;
int miles;
float cost;
where LENGTH has been #defined to be 12. The car number, cargo, origin,
destination, weight in pounds, and miles for each car are contained in the
file. The cost must be calculated using the appropriate rate for that car's
cargo, its weight in tons (not pounds) and the number of miles. The cost
should be in dollars.
- The shipping rates in cents per ton-mile are :
autos : 16.5
coal : 29.1
cattle : 52.5
hogs : 63.1
eggs : 75.9
- You must read the information in from the cars.dat file and use it to
fill an array of CAR structures. You are to use the C file-handling
functions for this project. The first item
in the file is the number of cars. You must use this number to
dynamically allocate the memory needed to hold your array of structures.
After that initial integer which is the number of cars, the data consists
of the car id number, the cargo, the origin, the destination, the weight,
and the miles for each car. The last member of the structure, cost, is
not contained in the file and must be calculated as described earlier.
- You must then generate a report that shows all of the information for
each of the cars and the train totals. It doesn't have to look exactly
like the sample, but the numbers should agree and all of the same
information needs to be shown. It must also fit within an 80-character
wide screen.
- You MUST must have a function called FindTotals and you must
use the following function prototype for that function without altering
it in any way :
void FindTotals(CAR* train, int numCars, float* costPtr, float* wtPtr);
- You must then produce an ascii drawing of the train, with some of the
information about each of the cars being shown inside the boxcar itself.
Each boxcar must contain the car's id number, its cargo and its
destination. You may assume that the cars are in the train in the order
that they are read in from the file. When drawing the train you should
use an arrow as the coupler between cars to indicate the direction in
which the train is travelling. The drawing of the train must be
accomplished within an 80-character wide screen. This means that unless
the data file is extremely short, the drawing of train will have to be
continued on lower lines. See the sample output and note that a train
which is 12 cars long has to be printed in three sections. The first
section has 5 cars, the second has 5 cars and the last section has the
remaining 2 cars. The printing of the train is the major problem-solving
portion of this project and as such will carry a fairly high points
- The data file, cars.dat, is a sample data file. It has the same format
as the data files that we will use to test your projects. You should
realize that other data files may contain no cars or many more cars than
this sample file and your project must work properly for all files with
this format, regardless of the number of cars in that file.
The data files
The data file is cars.dat, which can be
viewed from this link. You should NOT view it and save it
into a file or cut and paste it from the browser into a file. Either of these
methods of obtaining the file may cause there to be extraneous characters in
the file that your program will try to read and disrupt the input of your data.
Instead you must copy the file from my directory into the directory that
you'll be using to work on this project.
Go to that directory and then issue the following commands exactly :
cp /afs/ .
The space and the . (dot) at the end of each command are necessary and a part
of the command.
Sample Output
Since the output file is large, instead of showing the output here, I am
just providing a link to my output file, output
Although your output may look different than mine, you should print
out the same information and of course the format of the train drawing must
be extremely similar, if not identical, to mine.
What to Turn In
You must use separate compilation for this project. You'll find that the
functions you write for this project are all project specific, but there
are too many to put them all in the proj3.c file with main(). So for this
project, you should have a file, called proj3.c, that contains only the
function main(). You should also have a train.c file that contains the
function definitions. The structure definition belongs in train.h before the
function prototypes.
Submit as follows:
submit cs201 Proj3 proj3.c train.c train.h
The order in which the files are listed doesn't matter. However, you must
make sure that all files necessary to compile your project are listed.