CMSC 201
Programming Project One
Number Theory
Out: Wednesday 2/18/09
Due Date: Sunday 3/1/09, before 11:59 PM
The Objective
The objective of this assignment is to get you familiar with good design
practices, writing in C in a Unix environment, using functions, and using
separate compilation. It may also heighten your appreciation of mathematics.
The Background
The study of mathematics is separated into many fields. The one that
tends to lead students to discover the beauty of mathematics is the field
of number theory. This field deals with numbers and their relationships to
each other.
The field of number theory has lead to discoveries such as :
Positive integers can be categorized in many different ways. This project
will let you investigate some familiar and some new ways of looking at
The Task
Your mission is to write a program that examines positive integers within
a range that the user specifies and categorizes them as follows:
- PRIME or COMPOSITE -- a prime number is an integer greater than one
that is divisible only by itself and one. Any number that is not "prime"
is "composite". 1 is composite by definition.
- PERFECT / ABUNDANT / DEFICIENT --- as described above
- SQUARE -- as described above
- TRIANGULAR -- as described above
Your program will also count the number of integers in the specified range
that fall into each category and print a summary at the end. You should
restrict the user to positive integers between 1 and 100000, inclusive. The
ending number specified by the user should always be greater than or equal to
the starting number s/he chose. You must validate the user's input. I
guarantee that all input used to test your program will be of type int.
Your program MUST include the following functions. Do
NOT change the function prototypes given below. You may
choose to use more functions if you wish, but these are sufficient.
All "predicate" functions below should return 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE. You
have some flexibility in implementing the other functions. Choose wisely (and
use #defines)
void PrintGreeting (void);
-- displays a suitable greeting to the user
int GetValidInt (int min, int max);
-- gets an integer from the user between min and max, inclusive and
returns that valid integer.
void PrintTableHeading (void);
-- prints the heading of the table
int IsOdd (int n);
-- a predicate function that returns TRUE if n is Odd and returns FALSE
if not.
int IsPrime (int n);
-- a prediate funtion that returns TRUE if n is prime, and FALSE if not
int CheckForPerfect (int n);
-- classifies n as "perfect", "abundant" or "deficient". A different
value is returned for each different category.
int SumDivisors (int n);
-- returns the sum of the divisors of n.
int IsDivisor (int a, int b);
-- a predicate function that returns TRUE if a is a divisor of b, and
FALSE if not
int IsSquare (int n);
-- returns TRUE if n is a perfect square, FALSE if not
int IsTriangular (int n);
-- returns TRUE if n is a triangular number, FALSE if not
void PrintTableLine (int n, int odd, int prime, int perfect, int square,
int triangular);
-- prints the information for one number on one line of the table
void PrintTotals (int first, int last, int numOdd, int numEven, int numPrime,
int numComposite, int numDeficient, int numPerfect,
int numAbundant, int numSquare, int numTriangular);
-- prints the summary of the number of different classifications found in
the range specified.
You MUST use separate compilation for this project.
Since you will have to use a function from the C math library, you will not
only need to #include <math.h> but you must also link using the -lm
option. Here is how you'll need to compile your files :
gcc -c -Wall -ansi proj1.c
gcc -c -Wall -ansi numbers.c
gcc -c -Wall -ansi util.c
gcc proj1.o numbers.o util.o -lm
Sample Run
ecs225d-linux-01[257] a.out
This program classifies positive integers as
Odd/Even, Prime/Composite, Perfect/Abundant/Deficient,
Square, and Triangular
You will now get to choose the range of positive integers that
you would like to see classified.
Start with which positive integer ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 100000 : 1
End with which positive integer ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 100000 : 30
Int Classifications....................................
1 Odd Composite Deficient Square Triangular
2 Even Prime Deficient
3 Odd Prime Deficient Triangular
4 Even Composite Deficient Square
5 Odd Prime Deficient
6 Even Composite Perfect Triangular
7 Odd Prime Deficient
8 Even Composite Deficient
9 Odd Composite Deficient Square
10 Even Composite Deficient Triangular
11 Odd Prime Deficient
12 Even Composite Abundant
13 Odd Prime Deficient
14 Even Composite Deficient
15 Odd Composite Deficient Triangular
16 Even Composite Deficient Square
17 Odd Prime Deficient
18 Even Composite Abundant
19 Odd Prime Deficient
20 Even Composite Abundant
21 Odd Composite Deficient Triangular
22 Even Composite Deficient
23 Odd Prime Deficient
24 Even Composite Abundant
25 Odd Composite Deficient Square
26 Even Composite Deficient
27 Odd Composite Deficient
28 Even Composite Perfect Triangular
29 Odd Prime Deficient
30 Even Composite Abundant
Between 1 and 30 there were
15 Odd integers and 15 Even integers
10 Prime numbers and 20 Composite numbers
2 Perfect, 5 Abundant and 23 Deficient numbers
5 Square(s) and 7 Triangular numbers
ecs225d-linux-01[258] a.out
This program classifies positive integers as
Odd/Even, Prime/Composite, Perfect/Abundant/Deficient,
Square, and Triangular
You will now get to choose the range of positive integers that
you would like to see classified.
Start with which positive integer ?
Please enter an integer between 1 and 100000 : -10
Please enter an integer between 1 and 100000 : 20
End with which positive integer ?
Please enter an integer between 20 and 100000 : 10
Please enter an integer between 20 and 100000 : 200000
Please enter an integer between 20 and 100000 : 50
Int Classifications....................................
20 Even Composite Abundant
21 Odd Composite Deficient Triangular
22 Even Composite Deficient
23 Odd Prime Deficient
24 Even Composite Abundant
25 Odd Composite Deficient Square
26 Even Composite Deficient
27 Odd Composite Deficient
28 Even Composite Perfect Triangular
29 Odd Prime Deficient
30 Even Composite Abundant
31 Odd Prime Deficient
32 Even Composite Deficient
33 Odd Composite Deficient
34 Even Composite Deficient
35 Odd Composite Deficient
36 Even Composite Abundant Square Triangular
37 Odd Prime Deficient
38 Even Composite Deficient
39 Odd Composite Deficient
40 Even Composite Abundant
41 Odd Prime Deficient
42 Even Composite Abundant
43 Odd Prime Deficient
44 Even Composite Deficient
45 Odd Composite Deficient Triangular
46 Even Composite Deficient
47 Odd Prime Deficient
48 Even Composite Abundant
49 Odd Composite Deficient Square
50 Even Composite Deficient
Between 20 and 50 there were
15 Odd integers and 16 Even integers
7 Prime numbers and 24 Composite numbers
1 Perfect, 7 Abundant and 23 Deficient numbers
3 Square(s) and 4 Triangular numbers
Although your output need not be identical to the above,
all information (including the greeting) must be present.
Submitting the Program
You must name your source file that contains main() and the other
functions that are specific to this project proj1.c.
The file that contains the functions relating to number theory should be
called numbers.c and its header file should be called numbers.h.
The file that contains utility functions, i.e. GetValidInt(), that you are
likely to reuse in other projects, should be called util.c and its
header file should be called util.h.
To submit your project, type the following at the Unix prompt:
submit cs201 Proj1 proj1.c numbers.c numbers.h util.c util.h
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the
following command at the Unix prompt. It will show all files that
you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs201 Proj1