Final Exam Review Session on Thursday 5/15
KT & Alex will hold a Review Session for the Final Exam on Thursday
from 4pm - 5:30pm in ITE 334.
Ms. Block's Office hours
I will not have office hours on Wednesday, 5/14. I will still have
my office hours on Thursday from 2:30-3:30. If no one comes, I might
leave early so plan to come as close to 2:30 as possible.
Change in Mrs. Evans' Office hours for Thursday, 5/15
I will be holding office hours on Thursday from 4:00 - 6:00 PM, but will
not be available at 1:00 PM.
Computer Science Help Center Closing
The Help Center will close for the semester on the last day
of classes, Tuesday, 5/13 at 4pm.
Change in Ms. Block's Office Hours for Monday, 5/5
My office hours normally scheduled for 2:30 PM today are being
moved to 3:30 PM instead. It is possible that I may be a few
minutes late, so please wait.
Change in Evans' Office Hours for Thursday, 4/24
My office hours normally scheduled for 4:00 PM Thursday are being
moved to 12:00 noon on Thursday. I will still hold another office
hour at 1:00 PM as well.
Officer Nominations - Computer Science Council of Majors
The Computer Science Council of Majors is looking for candidates
for club officers for next year. Please send suggestions for
nominations to Sean Pines, spines1@umbc.edu. You may nominate
yourself or others.
Computer Science Council of Majors Meeting
The Computer Science Council of Majors is holding a meeting this
Friday, 4/11 at 1:00 PM in ITE 201B.
UMBC Game Developer's Club Digital Entertainment Conference
UMBC's Game Developer's Club along with the Computer Science Department, is hosting their
annual Digital Entertainment Conference on April 12 from 10:30am - 6:00pm in Lecture Hall 3
in the Administration Building. This all day event includes speakers from local video game
companies like Breakaway, Big Huge Games, and Firaxis. They'll be speaking about different
aspects of the video game industry, including art, programming, and design. If you have any
interest in getting into the industry or just playing games, mark your calendars and come join
us on April 12!
DEC's official web site: http://www.umbcgdc.org/dec/
For Facebook members, you can join the DEC event here:
Working from Home Talk this Wednesday, 4/9
The talk originally planned for last Wednesday will take place this
Wednesday, 4/9, from 12-1 PM in Lecture Hall 7.
For more information, visit
Working From Home.
TA's Office Hours Moved - This week ONLY
- Alex's Monday Office Hour moved to Tuesday, 4/8 1 - 2 PM
- KT's Monday Office Hour moved to Tuesday, 4/8 4 - 5 PM
"Working from Home" Talk Postponed
The "Working from Home" talk has been postponed. It is tentatively
rescheduled for next Wednesday at noon. We'll post another
announcement when we know for sure.
"Working from Home" Talk this Wednesday
Have you ever wished that you could use the cool graphical Linux version of XEmacs
when you're working in Windows on your own computer? If you have, then this talk is for you!
Dan Hood will present a talk on improving your
Windows programming environment at home, your dorm, laptop, etc.
When: Wednesday, April 2nd, 12-1 PM
Where: Lecture Hall 7
For more information, visit
Working From Home.
LUG Installfest
It looks like the LUG Installfest didn't happen on March 8 after all.
The current Installfest Web page is announcing that the Installfest
will be this Saturday, March 29th. For more information,
see the LUG page.
Change in Evans' Office Hours for Thursday, 3/13
My office hours normally scheduled for 1:00 PM today are being moved to
11:00 AM. I will still hold office hours at 4:00 PM as well.
Computer Science Council of Majors Meeting
The first meeting of the Computer Science Council of Majors (CSCM) will be
held tomorrow, March 7, 2008 at 1:00 PM in ITE 201 B. Anyone interested in
helping to resurrect the club or just being a member is WELCOME to attend.
Meetings will be held the first Friday of the each month at 1:00.
LUG Installfest
Once each semester the Linux Users Group holds
an Installfest. You can bring your laptop or desktop computer to the
Installfest and the members of LUG will help you install Linux on it.
This semester the Installfest will be on March 8. For more information,
see the LUG page.
Your Quota
Keep an eye on your quota!! Each user is given a certain amount
of disk space (100MB) on the GL network. If you exceed this
disk space, we cannot send you email (i.e. project grades) and you
can't create files (i.e. project files) To check your quota,
at the linux prompt, type:
linux3[16]% quota -v
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69%
This will show how much disk space your are using.
If the percentage used is approaching 100%, you
need to clean up your account. This can be done
by typing the following at the linux prompt:
linux3[17]% oitcleaner
This is the cleaner that we want
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 250000 55198 74% 69%
**** Start Quota ****
**** Start: Cleaning Internet Files ****
find: /afs/umbc.edu/users/d/f/dforna1/home/.2kprofile/Application Data/Mozilla/Profiles: No such file or directory
**** Done: Cleaning Internet Files ****
**** Start: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
find: No match.
rm: remove `/afs/umbc.edu/users/d/f/dforna1/home/file.c~'? y
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
**** Done: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
**** Finding Large Files ****
rm: remove `/afs/umbc.edu/users/d/f/dforna1/home/cs104FA07.tar.gz'? n
rm: remove `/afs/umbc.edu/users/d/f/dforna1/home/gifs/menu3.gif'? y
rm: remove `/afs/umbc.edu/users/d/f/dforna1/home/gifs/menu3.bmp'? y
**** Finished ****
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 250000 52913 71% 69%
**** End Quota ****
This script will clear out some unnecessary files in your
account. It will also ask you if you want to delete any
large files it finds. You must answer either y or n
when it prompts you to remove. Make sure to remove any files
named core.[followed by four digits].
For more information about your quota, visit the following OIT Web site:
EMACS -- when emacs (or xemacs) begins, it looks
for and reads a file named .emacs in
your home directory to obtain configuration information.
Save the CS201 recommended version of the .emacs file (note
the leading "dot") in your Unix home directory to
get the following features:
Automtic formatting in accordance
with the CS201 coding style standard
A working backspace key. Backspace
will now delete to the left of the cursor instead
of invoking "help". It also remaps CTL-X? to be
the new "help" key.
The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory
To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type
the command
cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/b/o/bogar/pub/.emacs .
Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the
file to the current directory.