Project Submission
Projects are submitted electronically using the submit command.
The general form of the submit command is
submit cs201 <ProjectName> <Files>
where ProjectName
is "Proj1", "Proj2", "Proj3", etc. (without the quotes)
and Files is a list of files to be submitted for grading.
You can practice using the submit command by trying
Project 0 .
Projects may be submitted as often as you like prior to the final
deadline. Only the last project you submit will be graded.
You can verify that your files were submitted by using the submitls
command. The general form of the submitls command is
submitls cs201 <ProjectName>
For more information, see the
UCS project submission system web page.
Late Project Policy
No late projects will be accepted. If you submit your project after
the deadline, you will receive no credit for it.
Important Warning
ALL PROJECTS must compile and execute on linux1, linux2 or linux3.
DO NOT develop your projects on other machines -- if your project
will not compile on linux1/2/3 you will recieve no credit.
Project Grading
After the deadline for submitting a project, your project will
be graded according to four criteria
- Design
- Documentation
- Correctness
- Style
After all projects are graded, you will recieve an e-mail from the
"grades keeper". A grade form
will be attached to the email. The grade form details the point
deductions and penalties for your project.
The following penalties apply to all projects.
- 5 points for compiler or linker warnings
- 50 points for compiler errors
- 10 points for a run-time error after your program produces complete output
- 25 points for any other run-time error
These guidelines are for projects where a good effort was made.
Garbage will receive 0%.
All projects are eligible for extra credit at the discretion of the
grader based on
- outstanding documentation
- efficient or clever algorithm
- outstanding design
You may turn in incomplete projects for grading.
Project Policy - Academic Integrity
All projects must be completed by your own individual effort. You
should never have a copy of someone else's project either on paper or
electronically under any circumstance. Also, you should
never give a copy of your project, either on paper or
electronically, to another student. This also means that you cannot
"work" on the project together. Cases of academic dishonesty will be
dealt with severely.
If you need help with your project, see your instructor, any of the
TAs ,
the Computer Science Help Center
or tutors provided by the Learning Resource Center.
You may NOT ask another student (whether they are taking CMSC201 or not)
or anyone else for help.
Getting help from anyone other than your instructor, a TA,
the Help Center or LRC tutor is forbidden
Having someone else's project in your possession, even briefly, is
We will be using special software to check for cheating. The software is quite
sophisticated and has "surprised" some students in the past. We will, of
course, not release the details of the internal workings of this cheat-checking
software, but you are forewarned that there is no difficulty in comparing
every pair of submitted projects --- even for projects submitted to other
sections of this course.
Your project will be checked for similarities with all other student projects.
If your project is found to be "substantially similar" to that of another
student, both you and the other student will receive a grade of 0
for that project AND have your final course grade
reduced by one full letter grade. All parties concerned will have their
prior projects checked for cheating. A second incident will result in a
grade of 'F' for the semester.
Any act of dishonesty may be reported to the University's Academic Misconduct
Committee for further action. Egregious cases of cheating will be written up
as a "more serious" infraction. In this case, you will not be allowed to drop
the course. Also, a "more serious" infraction would appear as a permanent part
of your student record and would be seen by potential employers when they ask
for an official copy of your transcript.