Sue Evans' Office Hours for Thurs 5/19 will be 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM
Balaji's Office Hours for 5/9 moved to 5/11
Balaji's office hours scheduled for Monday 5/9 from 10 - 12 will be held on
Wednesday, 5/11, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM instead.
Extension for Project 3 - Wator
Project 3, Wator, is now due before midnight, Friday 4/15/05.
Sue Evans' Office Hours for 4/14
I won't be holding my office hours from 4 - 5 PM on Thursday, 4/14
so that I can attend the talk being given in Lecture Hall 5, by Dr. Barbara
Grosz, entitled "Women in Science and Engineering at Research Universities:
Lessons of the Past, Prospects for the Future."
Perhaps you should join me :-)
Rob Tand's Office Hours for 4/8
Due to exam grading, Rob Tand's office hours on Friday 4/8 will be from
9:00 - 11:00 AM and from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
Project three
Project three is out.
Additional Office Hours for 3/1 & 3/2
Since there are no labs on 3/1 or 3/2, I've asked the TAs to hold office hours
during the times that they would normally be conducting the labs.
Labs for 3/1 - 3/3
There will be no labs held on Tuesday March 1 or Wednesday March 2 to
compensate for the snow days. There will be labs on Thursday, March 3,
in which the lab 3 material will be presented. Lab 4 material will be
offered next week.
Project one ECN
Please see ECN1, a change in the
design specification for Project one.
Reconstituting the CS Council of Majors
The Computer Science Council of Majors has been dormant for some time,
but is in the process of being revived. There will be a kickoff
meeting to reorganize the CSCM from 1-2 on Wednesday, March 2nd in ITE
201B (next to the Help Center) 1pm-2pm. Free Pizza will be
provided. At the meeting, prospective members will discuss what the
Council of Majors could do and what resources are available. If you
have any questions contact Dalibor Zeleny, For
more information, see Dalibor's
proposal for reorganizing CSCM.
Project one and snow
Today's lectures were canceled because of snow. We had
planned to talk about the project in the lectures. I am not
sure if we will stick with the current due date or allow for
more time. When Ms. Evans returns, we will confir and
decide what to do and announce the decision on the web page.
We may not be able to do this until Monday.
At this point, I advise everyone to work on the assumption
that the project is still due before Midnight on Wendesday
March 2.
The project description is online as is design file. We
have also provided a working solution on the
linux systems that you can run and experiment with. If you
need clarification or have questions, please use the
discussion board for Project One on the UMBC BlackBoard
Project One released (2/23)
Programming project one is
released and due before midnight on Wednesday, March 2.
LUG Installfest
Each semester the Linux Users' Group (LUG)
holds an Installfest. If you would like to install LINUX on your PC or laptop,
this is a great opportunity to do so since members of the LUG make themselves
available to help you do the install. This is the only time during the semester
that this help is given. The Installfest will be held this Saturday, 2/5/05,
in the ENG atrium (behind L.H. 5) and it will begin at 1:00 PM.
You will need to bring your computer, mouse, keyboard and monitor in order to do the install.
Your Quota
Keep an eye on your quota!! Each user is
given a certain amount of disk space (25MB) on the GL
network. If you exceed this disk space, we cannot send
you email (i.e. project grades) and you can't create files (i.e. project files)
To check your quota, at
the linux prompt, type:
linux3[16]% quota -v
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69%
This will show how much disk space your are using.
If the percentage used is approaching 100%, you
need to clean up your account. This can be done
by typing the following at the linux prompt:
linux3[17]% oitcleaner
This is the cleaner that we want
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69%
**** Start Quota ****
**** Start: Cleaning Internet Files ****
find: /afs/
Data/Mozilla/Profiles: No such file or directory
**** Done: Cleaning Internet Files ****
**** Start: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
find: No match.
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
**** Done: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
**** Finding Large Files ****
rm: remove `/afs/'? n
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
**** Finished ****
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 75000 52913 71% 69%
**** End Quota ****
This script will clear out some unnecessary files in your
account. It will also ask you if you want to delete any
large files it finds. You must answer either y or n
when it prompts you to remove. Make sure to remove any files
named core.
For more information about your quota,
visit the following OIT Web site:
EMACS -- when emacs (or xemacs) begins, it looks for
and reads a file named .emacs in
your home directory to obtain configuration information.
Save the CS201 recommended version of the .emacs file (note
the leading "dot") in your Unix home directory to get the
following features:
- Automtic formatting in accordance
with the CS201 coding style standard
- A working backspace key. Backspace
will now delete to the left of the cursor instead
of invoking "help". It also remaps CTL-X? to be
the new "help" key.
The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory
To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type
the command
cp /afs/ .
Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the
file to the current directory.
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