CMSC 201
Programming Project Five
Karaoke Revisited
Out: Monday 4/28/03
Due: before Midnight, Tuesday 5/13/03
The design document for this project, design5.txt ,
is due: Before Midnight, Monday 5/5/03
Added newline to the end of events.dat
data file -- You should copy the file again.
Thur 5/8 5:15 PM
Extra credit section added
Wed 5/7 6:45 PM
The Objective
This project will give you practice using good design techniques, separate
compilation, command-line arguments, file handling, linked lists and arrays
of strings.
The Background
Reread the background section for Project 3.
This project builds on that past project.
We used a very simplistic (and unrealistic) approach to the problem of
singing karaoke in project 3. In that project we had 10 singers and each
singer had 10 songs. All of the singers were present at the beginning of the
night and stayed until closing and were taken in the order they appeared in
the data file. The data files were also set up so that no singer would sing
a song that someone else had already sung. We all know that it doesn't
happen this way.
This project will simulate karaoke in a much more realistic manner. Singers
can come in at any time during the evening and be added to the rotation at
that time. Singers may also leave at any time and should be removed from
the rotation at that time. It is possible that several singers might have
the same song in their song list. In reality, the karaoke host will not let
a singer sing a song that someone else has already sung that evening.
The Task
Your task is to simulate an evening of karaoke at the Karaoke House by using
the data provided in the data files called
p5karaoke.dat and events.dat. p5karaoke.dat
contains all of the singers that have ever come to the Karaoke House (not
really, but you can pretend) and all of the songs they've ever sung there
(that part is true). If you look at the file you will see that the format
is a singer's name on one line, followed by the number of songs he has done
on the next line, and then a song title on the next line and the disk number
on the next line. The next line will be his/her next song title and the
following line will be a disk number. This continues until all of his/her
songs are listed. The next singer's name then appears followed by the
number of songs s/he has and the list of songs and disk numbers, etc. Your
program has no way of knowing how many singers there are. Just read until you
encounter EOF. For this project, you will be storing the singers' information
in a linked list (hopefully called singers). So the first thing you want to
do is read from the p5karaoke.dat file and fill up your linked list of
Then you will read from the events.dat file and store the information in an
array of EVENTS called events. The events are in order by the time
they occur and consist of the time, a singer's name, and whether the singer
is ENTERing or EXITing. The first number in the file is the number of events
in the file.
Although it might be nice to print out all of the singers slips when s/he
first arrives, we'll assume that has already been done to shorten your
To simulate the evening, you must keep track of the time. We will be working
in intervals of 5 minutes, as before, and assume that a person can sing a song
in 5 minutes. The evening of karaoke will be from 8:00 PM until 1:30 AM.
All times given in the events file are guaranteed to be in 5 minute intervals.
Several events can happen at the same time. You should handle all of the
events in the events array for the current time and then let a singer sing in
that time interval as well. (See sample output)
A singer is to randomly choose a song from his list of songs but cannot sing
the same song again that evening. A singer also may not choose a song from
his list that has been sung by someone else that evening. You must have an
array of strings of sungSongs that can be checked for the song title to
avoid repeats.
When a singer arrives, s/he is to be removed from the linked list of singers
and added to a linked list called rotation. You will no longer
have to have a member in the singer structure to keep track of his place in
the rotation. His position in the rotation is his position in the linked
list of singers. As new singers enter they will be removed from the list of
singers and added to the end of the rotation linked list and as they leave
they should be removed from the rotation and put back into the list of
As always, you should have several debugging functions that you can call
during the implementation stage of programming to make sure that each list
contains what it should, that you managed to read properly from the files,
Since singers now have different numbers of slips, you can no longer just
have an array of slips of size 10 in the SINGER structure. Store only
the address of the array and malloc the space for it. You'll need a member
that contains the number of songs now. Some of the songs now have longer
titles, so the size of a title should now be 40.
More details
- You must use the following structure definitions :
typedef struct slip
char singer[15];
char title[40];
char disk[12];
int sung;
typedef struct singer
char name[15];
int timesSung;
int numSongs;
SLIP* slips;
You must also have a struct of type EVENT. I will leave its definition to
- You must use command line arguments for this program. The first
is to be the name of the singers file, p5karaoke.dat, and the
second is the name of the events file, events.dat.
- Since each singer is to randomly choose from amongst their own songs,
you'll need to use the random number generator. You MAY NOT
seed the random number generator with a call to time() for
this project. You must ask the user for the seed. This
is necessary for testing purposes by the graders.
- Your program should simulate the singer choosing a song randomly
from his/her songs as it becomes his turn to sing. Remember that
songs cannot be repeated in the same evening, whether or not it
was sung by this singer.
- Your program should do whatever bookkeeping is necessary as the song
is sung. (Mark the song as sung, copy its title into the array of
sung songs, increment timesSung, etc.) Keep in mind that before
you can copy a song title into the array of sungSongs you must
first dynamically allocate the space to hold it.
- This process should continue allowing the singers to each sing one
song each per rotation in their turn until Karaoke ends for the
- You must write a function called DestroyList which goes
through and frees each of the nodes in the linked list.
void DestroyList (NODEPTR *headPtr);
The data files
The name of the data files are p5karaoke.dat
and events.dat
and can be viewed from this link. You should NOT view it and save it
into a file or cut and paste it from the browser into a file. Either of these
methods of obtaining the file may cause there to be extraneous characters in
the file that your program will try to read and disrupt the input of your data.
Instead you must copy the file from my directory into the directory that you'll
be using to work on this project.
Go to that directory and then issue the following commands exactly :
cp /afs/ .
cp /afs/ .
The space and the . (dot) at the end of the command are necessary and a part
of the command.
Sample Output
Your greeting goes here
Prompting the user for the seed goes here
8:00 - Karaoke Jim arrives
8:00 - Chrissy arrives
8:00 - Kat arrives
8:00 - Karen arrives
8:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "Something like that"
8:05 - Chrissy sings "Little Drummer Boy"
8:10 - Kat sings "Come to my window"
8:15 - Trashman arrives
8:15 - Karen sings "This kiss"
8:20 - Trashman sings "Ring Of Fire"
8:25 - Karaoke Jim sings "Ain't no sunshine"
8:30 - Ben arrives
8:30 - Sue arrives
8:30 - Chrissy sings "Blessed"
8:35 - Kat sings "Blue bayou"
8:40 - Karen sings "Blue"
8:45 - Trashman sings "Magic Moment"
8:50 - Ben sings "Statue of a fool"
8:55 - Sue sings "I Got You Babe"
9:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "Does anyone know"
9:05 - Chrissy sings "Why They Call It Falling"
9:10 - The Breeze arrives
9:10 - Kat sings "Total eclipse of the heart"
9:15 - Karen sings "I just fall in love again"
9:20 - Holly arrives
9:20 - Trashman sings "All In The Game"
9:25 - Ben sings "He stopped loving her today"
9:30 - Jay arrives
9:30 - Sue sings "Imagine"
9:35 - The Breeze sings "Hillbilly Shoes"
9:40 - Dave T arrives
9:40 - Holly sings "Born To Fly"
9:45 - Jay sings "Rope The Moon"
9:50 - Dave T sings "Lost In The 50's Tonight"
9:55 - Karaoke Jim sings "Write this down"
10:00 - Chrissy sings "On A Night Like This"
10:05 - Karen leaves
10:05 - Kat sings "You're still the one"
10:10 - Trashman sings "Town Without Pity"
10:15 - Ben sings "All I have to offer you is me"
10:20 - JimA arrives
10:20 - Sue sings "Strawberry Fields"
10:25 - The Breeze sings "Almost Like A Song"
10:30 - Holly sings "I'll Be"
10:35 - Jay sings "To Love Somebody"
10:40 - Dave T sings "Right Where I Need To Be"
10:45 - Jay leaves
10:45 - JimA sings "No Place Like Home"
10:50 - Karaoke Jim sings "The way"
10:55 - Chrissy sings "You Were Mine"
11:00 - Kat sings "Love is a battlefield"
11:05 - Trashman sings "Oh Boy"
11:10 - Ben sings "Could I have this dance"
11:15 - Sue sings "Frosty The Snowman"
11:20 - The Breeze sings "Hello Dolly"
11:25 - Holly sings "I Will Always Love You"
11:30 - Dave T sings "Alibis"
11:35 - JimA sings "Pop A Top"
11:40 - Karaoke Jim sings "Mack the Knife"
11:45 - Chrissy sings "Right Kind Of Wrong"
11:50 - Kat sings "Do that to me one more time"
11:55 - Trashman sings "I Want You"
12:00 - Ben sings "Make the world go away"
12:05 - Sue sings "Let Me Be There"
12:10 - The Breeze sings "Tennessee River"
12:15 - Holly sings "Magic Man"
12:20 - Chrissy leaves
12:20 - Dave T sings "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me"
12:25 - Holly leaves
12:25 - JimA sings "Ain't That A Shame"
12:30 - Ben leaves
12:30 - Sue leaves
12:30 - Karaoke Jim sings "Living & living well"
12:35 - Kat sings "It's raining men"
12:40 - Kat leaves
12:40 - Trashman sings "Mrs. Brown"
12:45 - The Breeze sings "Everything I Do I Do It For You"
12:50 - Dave T sings "You Never Even Called Me..."
12:55 - JimA sings "Release Me"
1:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "I melt with you"
1:05 - Trashman sings "Everybody Loves My Body"
1:10 - The Breeze sings "Love In The First Degree"
1:15 - Dave T sings "Change The"
1:20 - JimA sings "Who's Cheatin' Who"
1:25 - Karaoke Jim sings "Trouble with never"
Sample Compilation & Program Run
linux1[101] gcc -c -Wall -ansi proj5.c
linux1[102] gcc -c -Wall -ansi karaoke.c
linux1[103] gcc -c -Wall -ansi util.c
linux1[104] gcc -c -Wall -ansi ll.c
linux1[105] gcc proj5.o karaoke.o util.o ll.o
linux1[106] a.out p5karaoke.dat events.dat
Although your output may look different than mine, you should print
out the same information.
Further Help
I will provide a sample output file that shows the seed and the corresponding
correct output for that seed on later in the week. Your ordering
of events and songs sung should match those shown in that file when you use
the same seed.
New Sample Output
linux3[1]% a.out p5karaoke.dat events.dat
Your greeting goes here
Please enter a positive integer you would like to use as the seed: 6
8:00 - Karaoke Jim arrives
8:00 - Chrissy arrives
8:00 - Kat arrives
8:00 - Karen arrives
8:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "I'm gonna love you forever"
8:05 - Chrissy sings "Words Get In The Way"
8:10 - Kat sings "You're still the one"
8:15 - Trashman arrives
8:15 - Karen sings "This kiss"
8:20 - Trashman sings "Folsom Prison"
8:25 - Karaoke Jim sings "Ain't no sunshine"
8:30 - Ben arrives
8:30 - Sue arrives
8:30 - Chrissy sings "Little Drummer Boy"
8:35 - Kat sings "Love is a battlefield"
8:40 - Karen sings "Crazy"
8:45 - Trashman sings "Cathy's Clown"
8:50 - Ben sings "All I have to offer you is me"
8:55 - Sue sings "Nobody Does It Better"
9:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "Something like that"
9:05 - Chrissy sings "Complicated"
9:10 - The Breeze arrives
9:10 - Kat sings "Total eclipse of the heart"
9:15 - Karen sings "I just fall in love again"
9:20 - Holly arrives
9:20 - Trashman sings "Battle of New Orleans"
9:25 - Ben sings "Love me tender"
9:30 - Jay arrives
9:30 - Sue sings "White Room"
9:35 - The Breeze sings "When I Say I Do"
9:40 - Dave T arrives
9:40 - Holly sings "Ironic"
9:45 - Jay sings "Who's Cheatin' Who"
9:50 - Dave T sings "You Won't Ever Be Lonely"
9:55 - Karaoke Jim sings "Mack the Knife"
10:00 - Chrissy sings "Except For Monday"
10:05 - Karen leaves
10:05 - Kat sings "Come to my window"
10:10 - Trashman sings "Tie A Yellow Ribbon"
10:15 - Ben sings "Welcome to my world"
10:20 - JimA arrives
10:20 - Sue sings "I Will Always Love You"
10:25 - The Breeze sings "Celebration"
10:30 - Holly sings "How Do I Live"
10:35 - Jay sings "On The Other Hand"
10:40 - Dave T sings "T-R-O-U-B-L-E"
10:45 - Jay leaves
10:45 - JimA sings "Please Remember Me"
10:50 - Karaoke Jim sings "The way"
10:55 - Chrissy sings "Take It Like A Man"
11:00 - Kat sings "It's raining men"
11:05 - Trashman sings "Come Go With Me"
11:10 - Ben sings "Please help me I'm falling"
11:15 - Sue sings "House Of The Rising Sun"
11:20 - The Breeze sings "Write This Down"
11:25 - Holly sings "Remember Me This Way"
11:30 - Dave T sings "Wish You Were Here"
11:35 - JimA sings "Behind Closed Doors"
11:40 - Karaoke Jim sings "Living & living well"
11:45 - Chrissy sings "Release Me "
11:50 - Kat sings "Never"
11:55 - Trashman sings "Hundred Pounds of Clay"
12:00 - Ben sings "What's he doing in my world"
12:05 - Sue sings "I Got You Babe"
12:10 - The Breeze sings "Hello Dolly"
12:15 - Holly sings "Listen To Your Heart"
12:20 - Chrissy leaves
12:20 - Dave T sings "Takin' Care Of Business"
12:25 - Holly leaves
12:25 - JimA sings "I Want To Walk You Home"
12:30 - Ben leaves
12:30 - Sue leaves
12:30 - Karaoke Jim sings "Trouble with never"
12:35 - Kat sings "Blue bayou"
12:40 - Kat leaves
12:40 - Trashman sings "You Are My Destiny"
12:45 - The Breeze sings "Most Beautiful Girl"
12:50 - Dave T sings "Keeper Of The Stars"
12:55 - JimA sings "Diggin Up Bones"
1:00 - Karaoke Jim sings "I melt with you"
1:05 - Trashman sings "Hello Darlin"
1:10 - The Breeze sings "Daddy Won't Sell The Farm"
1:15 - Dave T sings "Beth"
1:20 - JimA sings "Ain't That A Shame"
1:25 - Karaoke Jim sings "Write this down"
Extra Credit
For 5 points of extra credit, sort the array of sung songs
and use binary search (rather than linear search) to determine
if a song is in the array or not.
What to Turn In
You must use separate compilation for this project and should have a
file, called proj5.c, that contains only the function main(). You should
also have karaoke.c and karaoke.h, that contain functions related karaoke
and the prototypes for those functions, respectively. You may, of course,
have other .c and .h files, as you see fit. You should realize that you will
be reusing some functions that you wrote for previous projects and they
should have been either in your karaoke.c file or in your util.c file. Many
of you will be able to reuse the util.c and util.h files. You'll probably
want to add at least one more function to it. You may use my linked list
code and it will work with only minor modification.
Submit as in previous projects. Don't forget your .h files.