CMSC 201
Programming Project Three
Bowling Scores
Due Date: Before Midnight, 4/9/00
The Objective
The objective of this assignment is to give you practice
with arrays, passing arrays to functions, and using seperate
The Background
In 10-pin bowling, a player will bowl 10 frames to
complete a game. At the beginning of each frame the player
is given 10 pins to attempt to knock down. S/he may roll two
balls in order to accomplish this goal. If the player knocks
down all 10 pins with the first ball, this is known as a
strike, and no more balls are rolled in that frame.
If the player knocks down all 10 pins, using both rolls, it is
known as a spare. If there are pins still standing
after both balls have been rolled, the score for that frame is
the number of pins the player knocked down.
The scoring is handled differently when a strike or spare is
rolled, so that bonus points can be earned.
If the player gets a strike, the score for that frame is 10 plus
the total number of pins knocked down in the next two throws.
In the case of a strike, there is no second roll in that frame.
A strike is indicated on the score sheet with an X.
If the player gets a spare, the score for that frame is 10
plus the total number of pins knocked down with the next
throw. A spare is indicated on a score sheet with a /.
If the total number of pins knocked down in the two throws
is less than ten, then that total number is the score for the
If a strike is scored in the tenth frame, two more balls
are thrown to determine the score for that frame. A spare in
the tenth frame allows the player to roll one more ball to
complete the scoring of the tenth frame.
Here is a sample score sheet :
| -1-
| -2-
| -3-
| -4-
| -5-
| -6-
| -7-
| -8-
| -9-
| -10-
| Extra
Ball 1
| 8
| 6
| X
| X
| 3
| 9
| X
| 6
| X
| 7
| 9
Ball 2
| 1
| /
| .
| .
| 5
| /
| .
| /
| .
| /
| .
| 9
| 29
| 52
| 70
| 78
| 98
| 118
| 138
| 158
| 177
| .
Explanation of scores:
The score shown at the bottom is cumulative. For instance the
score for frame 2 is 10 (for the spare) plus the 10 on the
next ball. That is added to the frame 1 score of 9 to yield
a total score of 29 through the second frame. Similarly, the
score for the third frame is 10 (for the strike) plus the 10
on the next ball, plus the 3 on the next ball, for a total of
23. That added to the previous score of 29 yields a total of
52 through the third frame.
The Task
Your assignment is to write a program that simulates the
scoring of one player's bowling game. Your program should
prompt the user for scores for each ball of each frame and
stop prompting for scores at the end of the game. After the
game is over, your program must produce a score sheet for the
- You may assume that all input will be integers.
- You MAY NOT assume that the integers are valid integers
for a bowling score. Your program must be robust, so it
should reject input that isn't within the range of possible
scores for a single roll, produce a polite reminder to the
user, and reprompt for a valid score. Also your program
should stop asking for input at the appropriate time, indicate
that the game is over, and produce the score sheet.
- Although it is obvious that all input should be between 0
and 10, input of 6 on the first ball and 8 on the second
ball is also invalid, since there were only 10 pins, not
- It is expected that you will use three one-dimensional
arrays to implement this project, one for the scores on
the first ball, one for the scores on the second ball, and
one for the cumulative score. If you would prefer to use
a single two-dimensional array instead, that's fine.
- You must use separate compilation for this project.
- You must use arrays and have at least one function that
takes an array (or arrays) as an argument(s). A good design
would require more than one function that takes array(s) as
- You must use top-down design.
- Your header file must act as a user interface, meaning
each function prototype must have a full function header
comment above it. Function header comments are also
required above the function definitions themselves.
Sample Run
[102] a.out
This is where the greeting goes
Write your own version that explains the game of bowling,
what this program does, and what is expected of the user
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 1 : 8
the 2nd ball of frame 1 : 1
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 2 : 6
the 2nd ball of frame 2 : 4
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 3 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 4 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 5 : 3
the 2nd ball of frame 5 : 5
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 6 : 9
the 2nd ball of frame 6 : 2
Number of pins must be between 0 and 1, inclusive
Enter # of pins knocked down with the 2nd ball : 1
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 7 : 15
Number of pins must be between 0 and 10, inclusive
Enter # of pins knocked down with the 1st ball : -5
Number of pins must be between 0 and 10, inclusive
Enter # of pins knocked down with the 1st ball : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 8 : 6
the 2nd ball of frame 8 : 4
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 9 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 10 : 7
the 2nd ball of frame 10 : 3
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of the extra frame : 9
Frame | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Extra
Ball 1 | 8 | 6 | X | X | 3 | 9 | X | 6 | X | 7 | 9
Ball 2 | 1 | / | | | 5 | / | | / | | / |
Score | 9 | 29 | 52 | 70 | 78 | 98 | 118 | 138 | 158 | 177 |
[103] a.out
This is where the greeting goes
Write your own version that explains the game of bowling,
what this program does, and what is expected of the user
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 1 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 2 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 3 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 4 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 5 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 6 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 7 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 8 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 9 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 10 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of the extra frame : 10
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of the extra frame : 10
Frame | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Extra
Ball 1 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 20
Ball 2 | | | | | | | | | | |
Score | 30 | 60 | 90 | 120 | 150 | 180 | 210 | 240 | 270 | 300 |
[104] a.out
This is where the greeting goes
Write your own version that explains the game of bowling,
what this program does, and what is expected of the user
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 1 : 7
the 2nd ball of frame 1 : 2
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 2 : 8
the 2nd ball of frame 2 : 2
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 3 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 4 : 7
the 2nd ball of frame 4 : 3
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 5 : 5
the 2nd ball of frame 5 : 4
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 6 : 8
the 2nd ball of frame 6 : 2
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 7 : 10
Congratulations, you got a STRIKE !!!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 8 : 9
the 2nd ball of frame 8 : 1
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 9 : 8
the 2nd ball of frame 9 : 2
You got a SPARE !!
Enter # of pins knocked down with
the 1st ball of frame 10 : 7
the 2nd ball of frame 10 : 1
Frame | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Extra
Ball 1 | 7 | 8 | X | 7 | 5 | 8 | X | 9 | 8 | 7 |
Ball 2 | 2 | / | | / | 4 | / | | / | / | 1 |
Score | 9 | 29 | 49 | 64 | 73 | 93 | 113 | 131 | 148 | 156 |
Although your output need not be identical to the above,
all information (including the greeting) must be present.
Submitting the Program
Since you must use separate compilation for this project, you
will have several files that must be submitted for this
project. The source file that contains main() MUST be
called proj3.c, the file containing your functions
MUST be called bowling.c, and the header file MUST
be called bowling.h
To submit your project, type the following at the Unix prompt.
Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.
submit cs201 Proj3 proj3.c bowling.c bowling.h
Do NOT forget to submit your bowling.h file.
Your program will NOT compile without it.
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the
following command at the Unix prompt. It will show all files that
you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs201 Proj3