Project 1 Clarifications
- Your program should ask the user for a game number, wager amount
and number of draws. It should continue to ask the user for this
data until the user inputs game zero, as indicated by the sample output.
- Some students have pointed out that the original project description
indicates that only the game number must be validated. This project
(and all projects) must validate all inputs -- i.e. wager amount and
number of draws. You may assume that the user will input only integer
- Some students have asked about using features of the C language
that have not yet been covered in class (i.e. switch and functions).
You may use these features if you wish. However,
if you use functions, you MUST follow all the coding styles
related to functions (i.e. function header comments). Failure to do
so will be noted by the graders and points deducted as appropriate.