Lecture Schedule

Stern Warning: These notes are intended to supplement your own lecture notes. They are not a substitute for attending class.

current/next lecture

1 Tue 9/3 Introduction 1
2 Thur 9/5 Some simple C programs 2
3 Tue 9/10 Variables and assignments 2 P1 out
4 Thur 9/12 Data types and expressions 2
5 Tue 9/17 Programming idioms, for loops 3
6 Thur 9/19 Building bigger programs 3
7 Tue 9/24 Boolean data 4 P1 due, P2 out, Quiz 1
8 Thur 9/26 Loops 4
9 Tue 10/1 Functions 5
10 Thur 10/3 Writing your own functions 5
11 Tue 10/8 Tracing function calls 5 P2 due
12 Thur 10/10 Stepwise Refinement 5 P3 out
13 Tue 10/15 review, Libraries and interfaces 7
14 Thr 10/17 Making your own Library 7
15 Tue 10/22 The graphics library 7 Midterm Exam
16 Thur 10/24 The random number library 8 P3 due
17 Tue 10/29 More on random numbers 8
18 Thur 10/31 Characters and strings, using strlib 9 Halloween!, P4 out
19 Tue 11/5 More strings 9 Election Day
20 Thur 11/7 Modular Development 10
21 Tue 11/12 Arrays 11
22 Thur 11/14 More on arrays 12 Quiz 2
23 Tue 11/19 Pointers 13 P4 due
24 Thur 11/21 Pointers as parameters 13
25 Tue 11/26 Memory allocation 14
-- Thur 11/28 -- Thanksgiving
26 Tue 12/3 scanf and friends 16
27 Thur 12/5 Static and extern, Records 17.1
28 Tue 12/10 Recursion, review P5 due
-- Tu,Th 12/17,19 Final exam 6-8:00 12/17, 10:30-12:30 12/19

QUIZ 2 WILL BE HELD ON 11/14/96 (Thursday).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The deadlines of all projects have been pushed back by a day (for eg: Project 1 is due on 9/25 instead of 9/24). However, new projects will be released as per schedule (eg: Project 2 will be released on 9/24 as per the current schedule).

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