Course description and syllabus
Textbook and lecture schedule
We will generally follow the material covered in the textbook The
Art and Science of C by
Eric S. Roberts, Addison-Wesley publishers. The tentative schedule we will follow is available on
The only formal prerequisite for this class is Math 150, Precalculus
Mathematics. However, many students have prior programming experience
in a language such as Pascal. This course is designed for Computer
Science Majors and will emphasize programming skills. Students who
feel their background may be inadequate are urged to discuss their
concerns with the instructor.
The objectives of this course are:
- To develop problem-solving skills, especially in the
use of computers to solve real-world problems.
- To learn basic programming skills, especially software
development using the C language.
- To learn how to use UMBC's UNIX system to create, test
and execute C programs.
- To prepare for further study in Computer Science.
There will be five projects worth 8 points each for a total of 40
points; two quizzes worth 5 points each for a total of 10 points; a
midterm exam and a final exam worth 25 points each. Your final letter
grade may be curved above the standard formula:
0 <= F < 60,
60 <= D < 70,
70 <= C < 80,
80 <= B < 90,
90 <= A <= 100.
Under no circumstances will the grades be curved downward. Your grade
is based on timely work accomplished during the semester; incomplete
grades will only be given for medical illness or other such dire
Project Submission and Grading
The critical programming skills cannot be learned simply by attending
the lectures. You should budget enough time to work on the projects
as well. Projects are due by midnight of the due date. If you fail
to turn in a project on time, I reserve the right to assess a late
penalty. Projects will be graded according to five equal parts:
correctness, design, style, documentation and efficiency.
You may turn in incomplete projects for grading. Late penalties apply
as usual. A project that runs incorrectly will receive no more than
75% of the grade. A project that does not compile will receive no
more than 50% of the grade. These guidelines are for incomplete
projects where a good effort was made. Garbage will receive 0%.
Later in the semester we will ask you to turn in your projects
electronically. Details will be announced in class.
Project Policy
All projects must be completed by your own individual effort. You
should never have a copy of someone else's project either on paper or
electronically under any circumstance. Also, you should
never give a copy of your project, either on paper or
electronically, to another student. This also means that you cannot
"work" on the project together. Cases of academic dishonesty will be
dealt with severely.
If your project is turned in by someone else, both you and the person
copying your project will receive a 0 for that project. This includes
"substantially similar" projects. Furthermore, all parties concerned
will have their prior projects checked for cheating. So, if you cheat
on Project 5, you can lose all the points from Projects 1 through 4 as
well, even though you may have done all the work and just "let" other
people copy from you.
Lectures and Readings
You are expected to attend all lectures. You are responsible for all
material covered in the lecture, even if they are not in the textbook.
You should keep up with the assigned readings during the semester. You are
responsible for the material in the readings, even if they are not
covered during lecture.
In general, the exams and quizzes will be closed-book and
closed-notes. The final exam will be comprehensive and cover the
material from the entire course.
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