All exams will be closed book, closed notes, and completed without the use of calculators, computers, or phones.

A photo ID is required for all exams. Additionally, all exams must be completed in pencil.

Late or make-up exams will only be allowed under the following circumstances:

  1. The student has a documented requirement for accommodation. An Accommodation Letter from Student Disability Services is required.
  2. The student is participating in an athletic competition that conflicts with the scheduled exam time and has presented an official letter from the UMBC Athletics Department.
  3. The student experiences a documented medical or personal emergency that prevents them from attending the exam.
  4. The exam conflicts with a major religious observance.
  5. For other reasons, at the discretion of the instructor, with advance notice.

In all cases, it is the student's responsibility to initiate a request for a late or make-up exam; except in the case of emergency, this must be done at least one week prior to the scheduled exam time. Contact your instructor via email.

Midterm Exam

The midterm will be held in class on October 18th and 19th, at your usual class time and place.

The review worksheet for the midterm exam can be downloaded here.

You can find information on the exam format, content, and advice on how to study here.

Final Exam

The review worksheet for the final exam can be downloaded here.

The final exam is a common final. All CMSC 201 students will take the exam on Friday, December 15th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The location of the final exam will depend on your discussion section number, and can be found below.