Learning Objectives
- Become more familiar with object-oriented programming terms
- An ability to create objects and call methods on objects
- Explore the different classes of the graphics library
- Examine the code necessary to use the graphics library
Objects and Methods Review
- Objects are created by calling the constructor of a class:
>>> win = GraphWin("Circles", 500, 500)
>>> circ = Circle(Point(100, 300), 30)
Object data and methods are accessed using dot notation:
>>> win.width
>>> win.setBackground("purple")
>>> circ.setFill("yellow")
We say circ refers to an instance of the Circle
Graphics Library Quick Reference
Interactive Graphics
- Graphics programs are almost always interactive.
- Users can click on buttons, select menu items, and type in text fields.
- Graphics programs use a technique called event-driven programming to
handle input from the user.
- The graphics module we are using handles this aspect for us and
provides a few simple methods for handling user input.
Mouse Input
- The GraphWin class defines a getMouse() method that
waits for the user to click the mouse and then returns a Point
representing where the mouse click occurred:
>>> from graphics import *
>>> win = GraphWin("Click Me!")
>>> for i in range(10):
>>> p = win.getMouse()
>>> print "You clicked (", p.getX(), ",", p.getY(), ")"
>>> print "You clicked (%d, %d)" % (p.getX(), p.getY())
>>> win.close()
Here's the output
You clicked ( 91 , 29 )
You clicked (91, 29)
You clicked ( 47 , 110 )
You clicked (47, 110)
You clicked ( 196 , 170 )
You clicked (196, 170)
You clicked ( 14 , 7 )
You clicked (14, 7)
You clicked ( 94 , 103 )
You clicked (94, 103)
You clicked ( 196 , 6 )
You clicked (196, 6)
You clicked ( 6 , 194 )
You clicked (6, 194)
You clicked ( 93 , 196 )
You clicked (93, 196)
You clicked ( 198 , 196 )
You clicked (198, 196)
You clicked ( 36 , 47 )
You clicked (36, 47)
Circle Methods
- The next example we'll see is more complex, and uses the following
methods of the Circle object.
- The SetOutline() and SetFill() each have a single
parameter to specify the color of the outline or fill of a circle
>>> circ = Circle(Point(50, 50), 20)
>>> circ.setOutline("red")
>>> circ.setFill("yellow")
The draw() method draws the circle on a GraphWin
object passed as the parameter:
>>> win = GraphWin()
>>> circ.draw(win)
The getCenter() method returns a Point object that
indicates where the center of the circle is:
>>> center = circ.getCenter()
>>> print "The center is at (%d, %d)" % (center.getX(), center.getY())
The center is at (50, 50)
Moving Circles
- A more interesting example using mouse input, is to move a circle to
wherever the user clicks in a window:
>>> win = GraphWin("Moving Circles", 500, 500)
>>> circ = Circle(Point(100,100), 50)
>>> circ.setOutline("red")
>>> circ.setFill("red")
>>> circ.draw(win)
>>> for i in range(5):
>>> moveTo = win.getMouse()
>>> current = circ.getCenter()
>>> dx = moveTo.getX() - current.getX()
>>> dy = moveTo.getY() - current.getY()
>>> circ.move(dx,dy)
Moving Circles Step-By-Step
- The first half of the code creates the window and circle and draws
the circle:
>>> win = GraphWin("Moving Circles", 500, 500)
>>> circ = Circle(Point(100,100), 50)
>>> circ.setOutline("red")
>>> circ.setFill("red")
>>> circ.draw(win)
- The second half of the code is more interesting; it starts by getting
the Point on the screen where the mouse was clicked and the
Point where the circle is currently located:
>>> moveTo = win.getMouse()
>>> current = circ.getCenter()
- Given the two points, the program can calculate the distance between
those points:
>>> dx = moveTo.getX() - current.getX()
>>> dy = moveTo.getY() - current.getY()
- The circle is then moved, relative to its current position, to where
the mouse was clicked:
>>> circ.move(dx, dy)
Displaying Text
- We can use a new class Text to display text in the window.
- The constructor has two parameters, a Point specifying the
center of the text and the text to draw:
>>> text = Text(Point(100, 180), "This is a string")
The Text class has a few useful methods:
- setSize() sets the size of the displayed text.
- setStyle() sets a style for the text. Possible values are:
'bold', 'normal', 'italic',
'bold italic'
- setFace() sets the typeface for the text. Possible values
are: 'helvetica', 'arial', 'courier',
'times roman'
- setText() changes the text currently displayed by the
object to the new string that's passed to this method.
Drawing Connected Lines
- Another example using mouse input is to draw lines where the user
# Filename: tenlines.py
# Author: Wes Griffin & Sue Evans
# Date: 5/?/09
# Section: All
# Email: bogar@cs.umbc.edu
# This program draws connected lines using mouse
# clicks as input for the next line position.
from graphics import *
# drawLines() draws 10 connected lines using mouse
# clicks to get the position of the next line
# Inputs: none
# Output: none
def drawLines():
win = GraphWin("Drawing Lines", 400, 400)
msg = Text(Point(200, 380), "Click mouse to draw 10 connected lines")
p1 = Point(20, 20)
circ = Circle(p1, 5)
for i in range(10):
p2 = win.getMouse()
circ = Circle(p2, 5)
line = Line(p1, p2)
p1 = p2
msg.setText("Click once more to quit")
def main():
Additional User Input
- The Entry class provides a text box that a user can type into.
- The constructor takes two parameters, a Point specifying the
center of the entry and a width:
>>> entry = Entry(Point(100, 100), 25)
Once an entry instance has been drawn into a window, the user can type
text into the box.
The text can be retrieved by the getText() method on the
entry instance.
- The getText() method returns the string the user typed in the
entry box, however, this string may contain initial or following
spaces. So string.strip should be used to remove the spaces before
using the string.
>>> fill = entry.getText()
>>> circle.setFill(string.strip(fill))
If what is entered is to be used as a number, it's necessary to
use eval to change the string to a number
>>> length = eval(entry.getText())
The Entry class also has the set of methods for the
Text class for setting the size, style, and typeface of the
- We've seen how we can move objects in the graphics window using the
move() method.
- As soon as move() is called on an object, it is instantly
- Could we use the move() method to animate the movement of
- What if we moved an object only a small amount
towards the final destination of the object?
- Could we pause for a little bit and then move the
object closer?
- We could continue to do this until we had moved
the object to its final position.