Sue Evans
Adapted from the CS1 Course at Swarthmore College by Lisa Meeden
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Every programming department has a some set of standards or conventions
that programmers are expected to follow. The purpose of these standards
is make programs readable and maintainable. After all, you may be the
programmer who maintains your own code more than 6 months after having
written the original. While no two programming departments standards or
conventions may be the same, it is important that all members of the
department follow the same standards.
Neatness counts ! ! !
At UMBC, the following standards have been created and are followed
in CMSC 201.
It is your responsiblity to understand these standards. If you have any questions, ask your instructor, any of the TAs or the Help Center.
The prudent use of whitespace (blank lines as well as space) goes a long way to making your program readable.
Whether writing code or having your program produce output, you should try to fit it into an 80-character wide screen whenever possible. You should never let a print statement wrap down to the beginning of the next line, since it obscures the indentation. Break these statements up into multiple print statements. Occasionally there may be a calculation that's too long to fit, so sometimes wrapping is unavoidable.
Using break and continue is not allowed in any of your code for this class. Using these statements damages the readability of your code. Readability is a quality necessary for easy code maintenance.
Comments are the programmers main source of documentation. Comments for files, functions and code are described below.
Every file should contain an opening comment describing the contents of the file and other pertinent information. This "file header comment" MUST include the following information.
For example:
# File: # Author: Sue Evans # Date: 9/22/09 # Section: 4 # E-mail: # Description: # This file contains python code that will decode an English # message that was encoded using a Caesar cypher with a fixed # rotation length. It makes use of letter frequencies in # the English language to determine the rotation length.
EACH FUNCTION must have a header comment that includes the following:
For example:
# findCircleArea() calculates the area of a circle with the radius passed in # Input: the circle's radius # Output: the circle's area
# check every member of a list for num in numList : # if it's odd, print it, if even, do nothing if num % 2 == 1 : print num
for num in numList : # check every member of a list
Every program should begin by explaining to the user what the program does. Once you have learned to write functions, you should always have a function called printGreeting() that accomplishes this purpose.
To improve readability, you should use constants whenever you are dealing with values. Your code shouldn't have any "magic numbers", numbers whose meaning is unknown. This means numbers used in calculations other than 0 or 1. Here's an example of code using a magic number, .06:
total = subtotal + subtotal * .06
.06 is a magic number. Why? What is it? We don't know. So, at the very least this line of code would require a comment. However, if we use a constant, the number's meaning becomes obvious, the code more readable, and no comment is required. Constants are always placed near the top of the program so that if their value ever changes they are easy to locate to modify and so that they stay in scope throughout the program.
TAX_RATE = .06 ... (lots of code goes here) total = subtotal + subtotal * TAX_RATE ... (other code goes here) print "Maryland has a sales tax rate of %.2f percent" % (100 * TAX_RATE)
# Filename: # Written by: Sue Evans # Date: 7/29/09 # Section: All # Email: # # This program illustrates the use of the if-else # structure working with strings that can contain # any of the printable characters. It counts the # number of letters, digits, spaces and other # characters in the input string. def main(): import string # give an explanation of the program print print "This program counts the letters, digits," print "spaces and other characters in a message." print # initialize the counters letters = 0 digits = 0 spaces = 0 others = 0 # get a string from the user message = raw_input("Enter your message : ") # change the message to have only upper case letters allCaps = string.upper(message) # loop over the string counting character types for char in allCaps : # get ASCII value of char value = ord(char) # if char is a letter, increment letters if value >= 65 and value <= 90 : letters = letters + 1 # if it's a digit, increment digits elif value >= 48 and value <= 57 : digits = digits + 1 # if it's a space, increment spaces elif value == 32 : spaces = spaces + 1 # if none of the above, increment others else : others = others + 1 # calculate total number of characters total = letters + digits + spaces + others # print the formatted results print print "Letters : %3d" % (letters) print " Digits : %3d" % (digits) print " Spaces : %3d" % (spaces) print " Other : %3d" % (others) print " ---" print " Total :%4d" % (total) print main()
# Filename: # Written by: Sue Evans # Date: 7/29/09 # Section: All # Email: # # This program illustrates the use of the if-else # structure working with strings that can contain # any of the printable characters. It counts the # number of letters, digits, spaces and other # characters in the input string. def main(): import string # set constants A = 65 Z = 90 ZERO = 48 NINE = 57 SPACE = 32 # give an explanation of the program print print "This program counts the letters, digits," print "spaces and other characters in a message." print # initialize the counters letters = 0 digits = 0 spaces = 0 others = 0 # get a string from the user message = raw_input("Enter your message : ") # change the message to have only upper case letters allCaps = string.upper(message) # loop over the string counting character types for char in allCaps : # get ASCII value of char value = ord(char) #increment appropriate counter if value >= A and value <= Z : letters = letters + 1 elif value >= ZERO and value <= NINE : digits = digits + 1 elif value == SPACE : spaces = spaces + 1 else : others = others + 1 # calculate total number of characters total = letters + digits + spaces + others # print the formatted results print print "Letters : %3d" % (letters) print " Digits : %3d" % (digits) print " Spaces : %3d" % (spaces) print " Other : %3d" % (others) print " ---" print " Total :%4d" % (total) print main()[135] python This program counts the letters, digits, spaces and other characters in a message. Enter your message : It's the 1000th time !!!!! Letters : 12 Digits : 4 Spaces : 4 Other : 6 --- Total : 26[136]