UMBC CS 201, Fall 08
CMSC 201
Programming Project Four
Data Security
Out: Monday 11/10/08
Due Date: Sunday 11/23/08, before midnight
The design document
for this project, design4.txt, is due:
Before Midnight, Sunday 11/16/08
The Objective
The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice with recursion,
strings and chars, allocating memory dynamically, writing to files,
and writing to buffers.
What is a Hailstone Sequence?
Choose a positive integer and repeatedly
do the following: if the number is 1, quit; if the number is even, cut
it in half; and if the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. For
example, if you start with the number 17, you get the sequence:
17 52 26 13
40 20 10
5 16 8
4 2 1.
Generate the sequence from a starting number and you'll find the
numbers go up and down like a hailstone in a cloud before it plummets
to earth (e.g., when the value is one). We will use these sequences
as a means to encrypt our data.
Does this procedure eventually reach 1 and stop for every choice
of starting number? So far, this is an unsolved problem -- no one has
yet proved that the process always results in 1, and no one has yet found
a counterexample. This problem was first posed by L. Collatz in 1937 and
goes under several names: the Collatz conjecture, the '3n+1
conjecture', the Ulam conjecture, and the Syracuse problem. The sequence
is also commonly called the hailstone sequence.
Conway proved that the original Collatz problem has no nontrivial
cycles of length less than 400. Lagarias (1985)
showed that there are no nontrivial cycles with length less than 275,000.
Conway (1972) also proved that Collatz-type problems can be formally undecidable.
The conjecture has been check by computer for all start values up to 1.2
× 10**12, but a proof of the conjecture has not been
found. Paul
Erdös said about the Collatz conjecture: "Mathematics is not
yet ready for such problems." He offered $500 for its solution. There
are some heuristic, statistical arguments supporting the conjecture: if
one considers only the odd numbers in the sequence generated
by the Collatz process, then one can argue that on average the next odd
number should be about 3/4 of the previous one, which suggests that they
eventually hit the bottom.
We at CMSC 201 Inc. are worried about the integrity of the files
stored on our servers. This concern is a result from watching a number
of students attempting to copy files from non-public directories. We
look to you as programmers to solve this issue making it impossible
for someone to understand our files without our decryption method.
Data security is the protection of data against the deliberate or
accidental access of unauthorized persons, also known as file security.
The methods most commonly used are encryption and decryption. This
is a very old concept and has been done to secure more than just files.
In World War II, native americans used their native language to hide
the meaning of battle orders from the Japanese.
The computer science department at UMBC has a few professors and classes
that look into advanced methods to provide this kind of security. And,
we have a number of research opportunities if you are interested.
The Task
- You are to write a program that will allow the user to encrypt or
decrypt messages from a file or those entered by the user. S/he may enter any
sequence of characters which can include whitespaces, newlines, punctuation
and will not exceed a line length of 80 characters. This 80 character length
guarantee is also valid for files.
- You will be using a menu system in your program to allow
the user to choose whether to:
- P - allow the user to print the encryption key table
- F - prompt the user to enter the input and output files
to be encrypted or decrypted
- S - will allow the user to enter a message as a string
to encrypt or decrypt
- Q - Quit the program.
- Further Menu Specifications:
- The menu must use the letters P, F, S, and
Q for its choices. The user should be allowed to
enter either the upper-case or lower-case versions of
these letters. Other letters should be rejected and
the user prompted for a new choice.
- Menu Choices F and S should then prompt the user to
choose to either encrypt (E) or decrypt (D) the message that is about
to be entered or read in from a file. The user must enter an
E or a D at this point, which can be either upper or
lower case.
- HINT:Since you are using a menu that must accept
character input, you must make sure that you have read all
of the characters from stdin before trying to read the
character the user has just entered. (this means the newline
character entered after each character choice)
- ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange". The ASCII character
set was designed for English and other languages which use a Roman alphabet.
- ASCII characters have a decimal value which associates every character to a unique decimal number.
- The characters with decimal numbers 0 through 31 represent control characters
(e.g., line feed, back space), 32-126 are printable characters, and 127 is delete.
- This means you can assign a character to an integer variable and pass a character to a function
as an integer. You can also think of an integer as a character. You will need to fully grasp
these ideas about characters for the encryption/decryption method.
Creating the Encryption Table
You will populate a table which will map each upper case character to a unique lower case character
using the third term of its Hailstone sequence.
- To generate the Hailstone sequence:
Given an integer X:
- If X is equal to 1 stop
- If X is even divide it by two, start again with this new value of X
- If X is odd multiply X by three and add one,
start again with this new value of X
HINT: This method stops when X has a value of 1. We want the third
term in the sequence, so you will need to edit the stop condition.
- Populating the table will require you to do the following:
- Start with capitol A
- Convert to an integer X, its ASCII value
- Find the third term of the Hailstone sequence of X.
However, the following exceptions need to be made:
- D -> 111
- H -> 114
- L -> 115
- P -> 117
- R -> 120
- T -> 121
- V -> 97
- X -> 103
- Z -> 109
any other character which produces a term greater than 122, neeeds to be
modified by subtracting 26 from that term, (i.e. 123 must be modified to 97).
The first key in the array of KEYS (index 0) is A, then B, and so on.
This table is going to be a means for you to encrypt and decrypt.
Encrypting and Decrypting Messages
- Encrypting or decrypting a message will take the following steps:
- Start with the first character C.
- If C is an alphabetic character, change it to upper case C and
go to step 3. If not write it to the output location.
- Check the key table for the encrypted or decrypted
value. Print the converted character to the output location.
- Move to the next character in the message.
- You must use the following structure definition and typedef:
typedef struct key
char input;
char output;
where input is a character before encryption and output
is the character's encrypted value.
- You must dynamically allocate every array and/or string in
this program. This entails using malloc() or calloc() any time an
array or string is created. And you need to prevent memory leaks by
using free() any time an array is not needed.
- You may not use printf() or scanf() for this project. You may
however use any method such as fscanf(), fprintf(), fgets(), which takes
a FILE * as its write or read location. You will need to use stdin, stdout,
or a FILE* whenever you need to scan of print.
- YOU MUST have a function to solve the Hailstone problem with
the following prototype:
int Hailstones(int num, int times);
this function takes in the start number num, and times is the number of
stone values to be calculated. The value returned from this function is
the encrypted value of the character that started the hailstone sequence.
This function must be a RECURSIVE function.
- The message itself can be as long as 80 characters. A file
may be composed of multiple lines (messages), each of which will
not exceed 80 characters. Don't forget you'll also need space for
the null terminator.
- Any non-alphabetic characters in the input message are to be placed
unchanged into the output message at that position, whether encryption or
decryption is taking place.
- The users will only enter characters when interacting with the
menu system.
Sample Output
We have created a sample run using the
string input.
We have created a sample run which shows how the menus should work for files:
We have also created a message that is encrypted
GoodLuck.msg that will test your code very well and has a funny message
which has been encoded.
Submitting the Program
To submit your program, type the following command at the Unix prompt
submit cs201 Proj4 followed by the .c and .h files necessary for compilation
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the
following command at the Unix prompt. It will show all files that
you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs201 Proj4