Programming Project Three
Engineering Change Notice
Date: 3 November 2005
Author: Sue Evans,
The following are GUARANTEES ABOUT INPUT for project 3:
- Input from the data file :
- There will be exactly 5 sections and they will be named :
0101, 0102, 0103, 0104, and 0201H and nothing else.
- There will be exactly 4 classes and their values will be :
FR, SO, JR, and SR and nothing else.
- Input from the user :
- If the user is asked to enter a single character, then the
grader will enter a single character followed by pressing
<enter>, which will cause a newline character to be placed
in the stdin buffer following the character entered. The grader
will NOT enter more than one character before pressing <enter>.
- Hint: Whenever the user is asked for ANY input, not just for a menu
response, the user has to type his answer followed by <enter>.
Since this newline character is a character, and your menus use
single characters as input, you will have to remove that newline
character from stdin so that it isn't in the buffer for your menu
to read.