Proj5 Extension
Posted: 12/11/05
The project 5 due date has been extended one day to Monday, 12/12/05.
Proj5 Data file update
Posted: 12/10/05
There was a problem with the data file, arith.dat
. It did not have a newline at
the end. The problem has been corrected. Please be sure to copy the updated data
file. Here is the command:
cp /afs/ .
Proj4 Sample Solution
Posted: 12/10/05
Finally!! A sample solution to Project 4 has been posted. You should note that
there were many, many possible solutions.
Programming From Home
Posted: 11/29/05
Have you ever wished that you could use a graphical version of Xemacs
while programming at home in Windows? Here is your chance to learn how,
without having to install Linux!
Dan Hood is giving a talk,
Working From Home, on Wednesday, 11/30, at noon in LH 8. You don't want
to miss it!!
Additional data files for Project 4
Posted: 11/27/05
I added another set of data files for you to use to test Project 4.
They are called langs-letters.dat
and langs-words.dat
. You can
copy them with the following commands:
cp /afs/ .
cp /afs/ .
Programming Contest Winners !!!
Posted: 11/22/05
Congratulations to the first place winners of the CSCOM Programming Contest !!
The winning team which solved 4 problems correctly within the given time limit
was comprised of Jonathan Feng from CMSC 201, section 0105, David Conrad from
CMSC 201 Honors and Gregory Meier also from 201 Honors.
CMSC 201 also fielded the second place team. That team was comprised of
Daniel Bennett from 201H, Thiraphat Pongsudhiraks from section 0103 and
Bryan Wilkinson from section 0104. This team solved 3 problems.
The CSCOM president, Dalibor Zeleny, reports that everyone had a good time
and there was PLENTY of FOOD !!!! Next time maybe we can get some more people to join in.
201 Schedule for Thanksgiving Week
Posted: 11/15/05
Happy Thanksgiving !!!
There will be no labs held the week of 11/21 - 11/25.
There will be no lecture on Wed or Thurs, 11/23 - 11/24.
There will also be no office hours held Wed - Fri, 11/23 - 11/25
Soumi will be holding office hours on Monday, 11/21 from 12:30 - 2:30 PM
Computer Science Help Center hours will probably be limited that week.
Computer Science Council Of Majors Programming Contest
Posted: 11/10/05
The Computer Science Council of Majors is organizing a programming
competition followed by discussion of what it takes to be a CS major and
what is going on in upper level CS classes. We will also discuss how CS
is taught in high schools.
The event will take place on Friday, Nov. 18th, from 4 PM to about 8 - 9
PM. More information is given at the
contest website.
If you would like to participate, or if you have any questions, contact
Dalibor Zeleny at
Here is some information about the event:
Time: Friday, November 18th (no projects are due)
Place: MP 104 for registration, food, and discussion
Some lab for the competition
Teams of three will compete. Each team will be given a problemset, two
hours, and a computer. Online documentation will freely accessible as
well as lecture notes or any other online materials you wish to use.
Just don't use IM or any other online chatting program/website. You may
also bring any printed or handwritten notes you want for reference.
You are not expected to solve all the problems in that time period. In
fact, we will be very impressed if you do.
Problems vary from a simple "store the maximum and print it" kind of
problem to problems that are harder in the sense that they require some
thought, but then only about ten lines of code inside main once you
figure them out.
You don't need to have 2 other friends to come and compete. You can come
just by yourself. We will team you up with someone else who comes just
by himself (or perhaps with just one teammate).
We might also tell you about our experience here at UMBC, and perhaps
give you some ideas how other CS classes you'll have to take look. Just
4:00 - 5:00 ... team registration and food (MP 104)
5:00 - 6:00 ... introduction, orientation, practice problem (labs)
6:00 - 8:00 ... contest (labs)
8:00 - end .... (in random order): discussion of problems,
(MP 104) discussion of CS in high schools,
announcing winners of the contest
The idea of the event is to promote teamwork which is said to be
important in the real world. You will also have a chance to practice
your programming skills and talk to students in upper-level classes.
We're thinking about organizing a similar event for high schools
sometime in the future, so we would like to get some input from 201 and
202. We would like to know how the contest problems reflect what they've
been taught in CS courses in their high schools. We would also like to
discuss how CS is taught in high schools. We chose these students since
they probably still have a good memory of what they were doing in high
The contest attendance is capped at 45 people (15 teams) because we
won't have more space or food available. But if you decide to come and
we already have 45 people, feel free to come to the discussion session
after the contest.
Thank you,
Dalibor Zeleny
President of the CS Council of Majors
Linux Installfest
There will be a Linux Installfest on October 1st in the ENG Atrium
from 1 to 6 PM, at which the good geeks of UMBC's Linux Users Group will
be available to put Linux on your PC. Linux can be installed on your
machine in place of Windows, or along-side it. The following rules and
suggestions ought to be kept in mind:
* To save time, PLEASE DEFRAGMENT YOUR HARD DRIVE before you come. This
will shorten your install time by several hours.
* Please, BRING YOUR OWN MONITOR. We cannot provide monitors for
* The LUG will do all it can to preserve your data, but fubars do happen.
Therefore you should BACK UP YOUR DATA if at all possible.
* The last install will begin at 4:30 PM, so you should come before then.
On a slow computer, installation could take several hours.
Thanks very much, and we hope to see you there.
Your Quota
Keep an eye on your quota!! Each user is
given a certain amount of disk space (100MB) on the GL
network. If you exceed this disk space, we cannot send
you email (i.e. project grades) and you can't create files (i.e. project files)
To check your quota, at
the linux prompt, type:
linux3[16]% quota -v
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69%
This will show how much disk space your are using.
If the percentage used is approaching 100%, you
need to clean up your account. This can be done
by typing the following at the linux prompt:
linux3[17]% oitcleaner
This is the cleaner that we want
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 250000 55198 74% 69%
**** Start Quota ****
**** Start: Cleaning Internet Files ****
find: /afs/ Data/Mozilla/Profiles: No such file or directory
**** Done: Cleaning Internet Files ****
**** Start: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
find: No match.
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
**** Done: Cleaning Misc. Files ****
**** Finding Large Files ****
rm: remove `/afs/'? n
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
rm: remove `/afs/'? y
**** Finished ****
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
user.dforna1 250000 52913 71% 69%
**** End Quota ****
This script will clear out some unnecessary files in your
account. It will also ask you if you want to delete any
large files it finds. You must answer either y or n
when it prompts you to remove. Make sure to remove any files
named core.[followed by four digits].
For more information about your quota,
visit the following OIT Web site:
EMACS -- when emacs (or xemacs) begins, it looks for
and reads a file named .emacs in
your home directory to obtain configuration information.
Save the CS201 recommended version of the .emacs file (note
the leading "dot") in your Unix home directory to get the
following features:
- Automtic formatting in accordance
with the CS201 coding style standard
- A working backspace key. Backspace
will now delete to the left of the cursor instead
of invoking "help". It also remaps CTL-X? to be
the new "help" key.
The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory
To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type
the command
cp /afs/ .
Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the
file to the current directory.
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