Information for Block's Sections (0301-0306) Only
Items are posted in reverse chronological order (i.e., newest to oldest).
- 12/14 - Weather permitting, I will hold office hours
on Thursday, 12/15, from 4pm - 5pm. I will also be available from 12pm - 1pm
on Monday, 12/19 prior to the exam.
- 11/28 - My office hours are cancelled for
today, Monday 11/28. I will be available by email from 1 - 2.
If you have a problem with your code, I will try to help you
via email. I will also be available for a few minutes after class.
- 11/2 - My office hours are cancelled for
today, Wednesday 11/2. I will be available for a few minutes after
class (until 4). I can also be available for appointments tomorrow
beginning around 3pm. If you'd like an appointment, you need to email
me to set one up.
Last Modified -