CMSC 201 Programming Projects
Required CS201 C Coding Standards
Acceptable CS201
indentation styles
Information on the
grading of project design
Sample Grading Form
I've made this sample grading form
available. You can expect the grading forms for this semester to look similar,
but they will not look exactly like this.
This Sample Design
Document written by one of our former TAs, Carrie Desmond,
is from the Spring 2003 semester's project 1.
It is an excellent design file and what we would like
to see although it surpasses the
requirements somewhat. Notice that design file she has
written will actually become her header file with very little
modification. Her description of main() is the high-level
algorithm that was described in the Description of Project 1
lecture that semester and, as written, is a complete skeleton
of that project.
See the
Project Submission and Grading Policy which includes an
Important Warning about developing your projects
Project Descriptions
Project One - Exponents
--UPDATE 9/30/04: New description of GetPositiveReal function.
Project Two - Naval Battle
--UPDATE 10/7/04: Further specifications and Suggestion section added.
Project Five - Meals
12/12 -- Changed project due date from Sunday 12/12 to Monday