NOTE: This is only a sample to give you an idea of what to expect. The point distributions on the actual grading form will be different. Grading forms are designed specifically for each project.

CMSC 201 : Computer Science I (Fall '00) ============================================ Project #2 (Connect 4) Due: October 22nd, before midnight Name: IAM A. STUDENT SSN : 123-45-6789 Section # : 000 Submit date and time: Mon Oct 23 15:38:22 EDT 2000 General 5 points - Compiles/links with warnings 10 points - Use of global variables 50 points - Compiler error(s) 10 points - run-time error after complete output 25 points - other run-time error ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correctness 2 points - Prints a greeting and instructions 4 points - Has test and play modes and seeds correctly for each 3 points - Rejects invalid column (1 pt), including a full column (2 pts) 4 points - Places pieces correctly 3 points - Finds a vertical winner 3 points - Finds a horizontal winner -3 3 points - Finds an upper left to lower right diagonal winner -3 3 points - Finds an upper right to lower left diagonal winner Design 10 points - Submitted design2.txt on or before 16 5 points - Kept same basic design as specified in the design2.txt 10 points - Uses top-down design and reasonable use of functions Style 5 points - Use of adequate whitespace 5 points - Indentation of comments evenly with the surrounding code -5 5 points - Use of either Student or Bell Labs indentation style as per Indentation styles found on 201 web pages 5 points - Use of meaningful variable names 5 points - Use of naming conventions per CS201 Style sheet Documentation 3 points - Each file has a file header comment 5 points - File header comments have filename, author, date, section #, and email address (1 point each) 4 points - Adeq. file descrip. given in the file header comments 5 points - Every function has a function header comment per standards 5 points - .h file is a user interface - Every function prototype has a function header comment 3 points - Adequate descriptive comments within the code Extra Credit 1-10 points At the discretion of the grader for one or more of a. outstanding documentation b. efficient or clever algorithm c. well-concieved, general, flexible design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pts. lost: -11 Score: 89/100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: - CMSC201 standards require use of braces for if clauses even if the body consists of only one statement. Late Penalty: 10 Final Score: 79