• Announcements
  • Linux Install-fest & Linux Users' Group (LUG)
  • -- Wednesday, September 3rd, from 11am-2pm Student Involvement Fest in the Commons

    Stop by the LUG table at the Student Involvement Fest. Pick up a flyer about the Installfest and a UMBC Linux distro CD.

    -- Sunday, September 7th, from 1pm-6pm Linux Installfest in the ECS Atrium

    LUG is sponsoring The Installfest. The new space in the atrium (the giant hallway in the middle of ECS) will give us lots of room to spread out. If you want help installing linux on your PC, this is the only time that this help is offered. Come by for Linux, geekery, and pizza (bring some cash if you're hungry--$5 should be more than enough). If you have distribution CDs, bring them. You can join the lug mailing list:

  • Your Quota
  • Keep an eye on your quota!! Each user is given a certain amount of disk space (25MB) on the GL network. If you exceed this disk space, we cannot send you email (i.e. project grades) and you can't create files (i.e. project files) To check your quota, at the linux prompt, type: linux3[16]% quota -v Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69% This will show how much disk space your are using. If the percentage used is approaching 100%, you need to clean up your account. This can be done by typing the following at the linux prompt: linux3[17]% oitcleaner This is the cleaner that we want Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 75000 55198 74% 69% **** Start Quota **** **** Start: Cleaning Internet Files **** find: /afs/ Data/Mozilla/Profiles: No such file or directory **** Done: Cleaning Internet Files **** **** Start: Cleaning Misc. Files **** find: No match. rm: remove `/afs/'? y rm: No match. rm: No match. rm: No match. rm: No match. **** Done: Cleaning Misc. Files **** **** Finding Large Files **** rm: remove `/afs/'? n rm: remove `/afs/'? y rm: remove `/afs/'? y **** Finished **** Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition user.dforna1 75000 52913 71% 69% **** End Quota **** This script will clear out some unnecessary files in your account. It will also ask you if you want to delete any large files it finds. You must answer either y or n when it prompts you to remove. Make sure to remove any files named core.

    For more information about your quota, visit the following OIT Web site:

  • .emacs

  • EMACS -- when emacs (or xemacs) begins, it looks for and reads a file named .emacs in your home directory to obtain configuration information. Save the CS201 recommended version of the .emacs file (note the leading "dot") in your Unix home directory to get the following features:

    The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory


    To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type the command

    cp /afs/ . Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the file to the current directory.


  • Newsgroups
  • There is a newsgroup for this course, which provides a open forum in which anyone can post messages of interest to the CMSC 201 community. You should learn how to read news and subscribe to the newsgroup umbc.course.csee201 While you are at it, subscribe to the umbc.csee newsgroup which carries announcements of the CSEE Department, information about the department, and computer and information technology in general. When you subscribe to these groups, spend some time looking through the titles of other newsgroups. I'm sure there are other groups that you may find interesting.

    There are several newsreaders available on gl. The most commonly used are: rn, trn, xrn, pine and Netscape. Since rn, trn, and xrn were designed specifically to read news, you will find that they are more powerful than either pine or Netscape for reading and posting. Investigate some of these newsreaders so that you can choose the newsreader you prefer.

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